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Help, they gave me a different brand and I can't cut in half

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Hello hello dear Buddies. It's been a while since I've come here, I've needed a break from focusing on medication. 

I come today because I need your assistance to help me figure out something that'll mean I can take my correct dose of diazepam. 

Usually they issue 5 mg that can be cut in halves, this time they did not. I need to cut the half because I'm taking 2 full 5mg and one half 5mg for a total of 12.5mg a day. 

And now... I don't know what to do since my pill cutter essentially crushes the pill in the middle because it isn't designed to be cut. 

I could crush and weigh every single time like I do for my xeroquel (of which I am almost at the finish line for... I'm super proud and excited for that one to end) but it's highly inconvenient since I usually take that half in the afternoon and therefore means I have to either be at home or risk carrying around my scales (which I don't want to do, because they're very crucial and I don't have a backup one yet) 

If someone has an idea, a suggestion, I would so appreciate it. I was going to undertake a taper of the valium probably using the water titration method, and maybe some people who do that or have done that in the past could tell me how practical it is, to carry the doses around for the day. In which case I could maybe try and do that, cut a pill and crush and weigh it to an amount that'd be half of the weight of a whole one and make the suspension, separate the doses for morning afternoon evening and do that everyday, carrying small bottles? 

I have no idea what I'm doing here, but that's the only thing I can think of. Huge pain though having to weigh the powder in the morning as well as the evening for the xeroquel... 

Any advice is welcome and I hope you guys are holding on. 🌿


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