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Women who have been OK coming off progesterone post benzos

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Are there ladies out there who have had an easier experience tapering progesterone after benzo withdrawal? I am trying to wrap my head around what to expect as I have had an IUD in since Sept 2021 and plan to leave it in until it has to be taken out which really upsets me but given the severity of my case, I have no choice. Doctors complicated the health web even further and I had no idea. I have read that progesterone is a GABA-A receptor agonist like benzos. Here are the details of the IUD: 

Mirena contains 52mg of levonorgestrel that is released over time. About 24 days after it's placed, it starts releasing levonorgestrel at a rate of 21 micrograms (mcg) per day. Approximately 5 years after placement, this rate decreases to about 11 mcg of levonorgestrel per day.

The whole mcg to mg conversion throws me off. Can someone help explain this to me from the information above?

I have read stories of women thrown back into acute years off a benzo due to tapering their hormones. But they were also on mega doses it seems of progesterone like 200-1000mg. I started at 52mg and that was in 2021 so this has been tapering down and I have no idea how much I am on now. If anyone can help me figure that out, I would greatly appreciate it.

There are women in every stage of life on this forum who have been OK getting off of a benzo but those occasional crazy stories that involve hormones are quite scary. Like someone saying the withdrawal was worse than the original benzo withdrawal and so many years later. People tend to leave important or relevant details out like whether they are taking other drugs or using substances recreationally so I take everything I read with a grain of salt but still -- I know there are hormone-related setbacks.

I am not taking any other hormones and will not and I am not taking any other drugs or supplements of any kind. So pissed this is even an issue.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated. I can leave this device in for eight years which isn't great I know but then again, I don't think I have much of a choice at this point if I want to heal and live life again.



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