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Long Haulers

Hoping this is positive sign.


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I need hope this is a positive sign. Had couple days actually managed OK even managed to got to a new therapist yesterday. Today felt like shit wanted stay in bed but made myself get up as knew my husband had funeral to go to, didn’t want him to feel couldn’t go. But a crumbling mess today. Is this a normal waves and patterns. Desperately hoping it’s sign finally seeing some progress.

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Sounds like a wave and window pattern to me.  So, stay out of bed and keep on going.  I am in a wave, but am at the hairdresser because I look as old as dirt🥹🥹🥹

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Treat yourself wave or not. Especially in  a wave. I hope you rest after.

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Hope you are also able to get some sleep. It's been a really rough time for you and I'd take care of you if you can. Perhaps warm bath, eat something you like, if your system can stand it. Maybe take in a movie, get a little sun. Whatever you can, relatively easily. I should talk, I might take a bath and I do try to take care of and play with the cat and she's with me no of the time which is flat out on the bed 22/7. I'm pretty much out of commission anyway now that am trying to get off ADs. I ran out last week so I've had nothing to take. Couldn't get a refill since I couldn't get down to the appointments. It's been rough as you might imagine and I'm not sure if I can stay with it but gotta do if I can. I was able to finally get a phone appointment and get a weeks supply so I've got it if I really need it. I can't do anything for more than about 10 min, I start to dry heave, sweating and start to pass out. Several other symptoms too but at night there's time where I just break down crying. The Benzo symptoms persist so I really need to get through the ADs while there's still a window of time, closing soon. Thank god my wife is still hanging in there with me, bless her heart. I know nobody can know what the Benzos w/d is like without going through it, but my wife tries and can still empathize in some way. We've helped each other over the years but she's really carried the heavier load. Who knows perhaps things will turn around for us. 

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Just take care coming off AD’s I’f you to intend to stop, do it slowly. It was them did the damage to me not zopiclone. Think seem to be in a window and wave pattern spent day in bed crying today yet yesterday not too bad. Yes partners keep us going my hubby shouts at me and gets very frustrated mainly coz no one in NHS will help.

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I would say any movement in any direction is a positive sign. Believe it...

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