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A daily pattern of symptoms


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Around 3/4pm nearly everyday I have the same set of symptoms start. I’m 33 months out now, I don’t have windows, and I would say this particular cycle started around 6-12 months ago along with the worsening of all my physical symptoms.  

the tight band feeling will increase in my head, I start to feel like I am being crushed by a heavy duty crusher used to break cars down. I have that vice feeling in my head, neck, back and shoulders. My brain feels like it’s being squeezed, I get nerve pain in the soles of my feet and the back of my legs and shins. I develop akathisia and a general feeling of unease in my body. It especially worsens before dinner when I’m at my emptiest. 

a couple of days this week I have noticed the symptoms didn’t come on in their most unbearable form. Both those days I stayed inside my house. Both those days I still did a bunch around the house. Went up and down stairs. Decluttered, organised, cooked and cleaned. The days where it’s worst are the days I’ve been for my daily walk, been in the sun(it’s summer here), driven, been anywhere stimulating or even just spoken to someone. For instance, it’s happening today and all I did was have a real estate agent at my house. I could feel even the conversation with a stranger fatigue me within 20 minutes and again now the daily hell as started. 

Could it be that any time my nervous system is just slightly stimulated it has a rebound effect with all symptoms aforementioned?! It makes me depressed as even two summers ago while in wd, I was able to be in the sun at the beach and out for walks and I wouldn’t pay for it to this level. I looked forward to at least being able to spend some time in nature. Walks are also so good for neuroplasticity. I seem to be ridiculously sensitive to everything currently, even though I’m further out!! 

It also makes me upset because so many people tell other people to “push” themselves or to “try harder” and for some of us that just does NOT help or work out!!! 

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Journey -

I used to get that. An increase in symptoms every day at roughly the same time. Actually around the same time you do - 3-4 pm.

Weirdly for me - I used to get that same daily symptom increase at about the same time before I finished my taper. See, I was prescribed z-drugs and temazepam over the years for insomnia. Those are short acting drugs and I always figured that I was going through interdose withdrawal because that was about the time the drugs would be mostly out of my system given that I took them the night before at bedtime. But that rhythm seemed to continue even after I finished my taper.

I don't know what causes that. Circadian rhythm? An accumulation of activity and stress throughout the day? What you had for lunch? Who knows.

That cyclic worsening of symptoms every day did fade out for me for the most part. But it's still there to an extent.

I see you were taking Valium intermittently and Ativan for sleep. Did you take the Ativan more regularly than the Valium?

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@[Na...] mine seems to be triggered worse by any kind of overstimulation upon leaving the house. But sometimes it is just random. It’s really debilitating and painful. Yes! I took Ativan daily for 6 months. Valium was much more sporadic and smaller dose. Sorry you suffer this daily cyclical pattern too. It’s unbearable at times. 

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I know this was awhile back but yes I have a daily pattern of symptoms and waves everyday occurring every week. I’m 45 months off Ambien. 

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