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Worried about taking oral steroids


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So it's been about 15 years since I tapered and I still experience protracted symptoms sometimes, especially if I take anything that is GABAergic.  For the most part I have my symptoms under control though.  I'm presently having respiratory issues and need to go to the doctor for it.  While talking to a doctor on the phone it was mentioned that I would likely need to take an oral steroid.  The last time I took one I was in the early stages of tapering off clonazepam and it made my symptoms much worse.  Since then I have avoided most types of corticosteroids, only recently trying topical steroids with positive results.  

Anyway, my respiratory issues (wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness) are bad enough that I most likely do need some sort of medication.  Have I been overly concerned about this?  If anyone else has taken oral steroids after having protracted/long term symptoms and had good results, it would be very helpful to hear.



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  I just went through this illness, did steroid puffer and amoxicillin and was fine.  I am 12 years free from benzo’s and still have symptoms 

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Hi. I am 10 years out of benzo and also still have symptoms. I was given prednisolone and dexamethasone intramuscular and infusions (in high doses), and I was ok on them. In your case, if you have troubles with your lungs, why can't doctors prescribe you inhalers like Salbutamol? Anyway you can discus this with your doctor.

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