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Am I too old to heal?


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I'm not a regular here. I don't post much but I do come to read success stories and see how everyone is doing.

My question is am I too old to heal? I'm 68 years old and I'm coming up on 52 months pretty much CT off Klonopin.  I cry all day with head pressure and nerve pain. My sleep is alright but I wake up still feeling 1000 years old and sick. I start crying and it continues until late in the day. I push myself to set goals no matter how small. 

Please, someone talk to me. Will this ever stop and heal? I fight each day to get through. Help!

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Hey @[Je...], sorry you're still suffering so far out, it's inhumane.

NO, you're not too old to heal. There's plenty of success stories from older folks, and I'm not sure of exact ages, but I'm fairly sure some of the MODS here aren't exactly teenagers. All of whom have healed. 

I know it's disheartening to be so far out and still struggling. I'm a little way behind you at around 45 month. Although a little younger at 49, I don't feel it and doubt I'll ever fully recover myself at times. But I don't think age is a major factor to be honest. It seems to be luck of the draw, and everyone healing in their own time.

Hope you get some relief and a turning point soon 

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Thank you for responding to my message. I have been in a non stop crying jag and in tremendous pain. I don't know why symptoms are so intense today.

I hope you get a turning point soon, too. 

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It's brain sensations and intense headaches.  It feels like my head is under pressure.  Not sinus pressure.  

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The brain doesn't feel sensations or pain so its coming from outside beneath the skull. Is the headaches like migraines?. If its not muscle the only pressure sensation would be congested sinus.

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Sounds terrible, so sorry. Hopefully, you might see some windows very soon.

Don't know if it's same but I had the sort of sensation of a band of pressure around my head as well as a burning sensation in my head. That lasted about 16 mo. I believe. That's all of any physical symptoms, expect the OCD. 

The crying is from the pain, discomfort or something going on mentally? I'm 65 and cry almost daily from extreme depression/anxiety. I feel severely damaged psychologically and in my CNS. Whether it's too late for us older folks, I wish I knew. Everyone is so different just by variation alone. I tend to doubt it in my case, given how heavy a dosage I took daily - 6~8mg Klonopin, my Rx only for 3mg/day. It's over 7 yrs off now, not getting better. Still hoping -

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On 08/01/2024 at 23:00, [[J...] said:

I'm not a regular here. I don't post much but I do come to read success stories and see how everyone is doing.

My question is am I too old to heal? I'm 68 years old and I'm coming up on 52 months pretty much CT off Klonopin.  I cry all day with head pressure and nerve pain. My sleep is alright but I wake up still feeling 1000 years old and sick. I start crying and it continues until late in the day. I push myself to set goals no matter how small. 

Please, someone talk to me. Will this ever stop and heal? I fight each day to get through. Help!

Hey Jellybelly

No you are definitely not too old to heal, I’ve been around BB since 2013 I think. I’m nearly 59 been doing this since 2006 coming off two medications amitriptyline and valium.

I tried a ct of valium way back when, knocked out 20mg in one go and it was a nightmare for 4 years then it started to get a little better which finally gave me a glimmer of hope. 
Then is 2016 I took a few months and tapered down the Amitriptyline to 0 and then the shitshow started. All the head vibrations/buzzing  sensations like high tense wires in my head (so hard to describe) plus I had constant vertigo for 5 years straight. The Drs didn’t have a clue and sent me for MRI and every test known to man and they came up with nothing no explanation.

The good news is that it eventually passed and oh the windows and doors were flung wide open and it felt good (the memory even makes me cry now just how bad it was) it was hell but I endured it and life was looking good and I hadn’t felt this normal and clear since 2006.

I’m still on the valium but down to 2mg only because the new Dr I was assigned has made it his mission to get me off altogether so the ride continues and the normal has faded somewhat, but I do know from my past experiences with all these meds and their sx’s that we can and do heal, it just takes time and patience.

I pray that this gives you hope 


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Thank you so much. I needed this message desperately.  I just passed 52 months off and I still struggle.  You give me hope. God bless you. 

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Thank you to everyone who has written back to me. Honestly, I'm scared of this journey.  With the grace of God I get through each day.  Many, many symptoms have healed. One of the big ones is the seizures and myoclonic jerking. I didn't think I could survive that but I did.

I pray all of you see relief and healing soon. We will heal.

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Hi Jelly Belly, I am also 52 months out. I quit September 19th 2019 cold turkey after 17 years of Klonopin. I believe we can heal but there's some rough patches we go through along the way. I am in one of them now that's why I'm on this site talking to my buddies. I'm also 68 and while I have some rough days things are a thousand times better than they were 4 years ago. Hang in there remember fear and doubt are our biggest enemies. Music 60

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Thank you so much for your kindness and encouragement.  I struggle all day to survive.  I appreciate you reaching out to me.  I will try and make it through another day. 

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On 19/01/2024 at 07:21, [[J...] said:

Thank you so much for your kindness and encouragement.  I struggle all day to survive.  I appreciate you reaching out to me.  I will try and make it through another day. 

Yeah, seems to be the routine. I can't look too far fwd, whatever that is. It's a day to day as best you can, thing. Maybe it's all you can do is survive. It's ok to have fear, can't hurt you, it's just part of the Benzo ordeal. Fear is there with me too, to various degrees, does turn to panic, usually when I don't get enough sleep or stress out too much. Truth is, the whole thing has been a nightmare. But at least I am a survivor, so far 7 yrs out. Not so small potatoes! 

I would just advise avoid stress, take care💙

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Wow....I'm touched. You're all warriors and so, so brave. Much love and hugs. Keep going. 

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I a m so sorry you are still suffering. I:‘ e. Just spent helllisnh 5 days in hospital where I spent every day in bed crying, kept getting told off for making a noise.. Paramedics forced me to go a. Blood pressures got dangerously low and had some markers in my blood they said could be fatal. Feel so much worse after that experience the NHXs. Does n’t gi ve. A shit. Have just starrted low dose seroquel praying will help things a bit. Did’nt want to go on more tablets but liteerallly felt  I was slowly dying. This is like some nightmare you can never  escape from. God knows what they pumped into me in hospital.


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I a m so sorry you are still suffering. I:‘ e. Just spent helllisnh 5 days in hospital where I spent every day in bed crying, kept getting told off for making a noise.. Paramedics forced me to go a. Blood pressures got dangerously low and had some markers in my blood they said could be fatal. Feel so much worse after that experience the NHXs. Does n’t gi ve. A shit. Have just starrted low dose seroquel praying will help things a bit. Did’nt want to go on more tablets but liteerallly felt  I was slowly dying. This is like some nightmare you can never  escape from. God knows what they pumped into me in hospital.


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I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you.  Sending hugs. I know the crying well. Wish I had a magic wand to help you.

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Jelly, since your question deals with long term and older folks I thought maybe a moderator would comment.   It seems we need to hear from someone with lots of experience. 


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I’m older, just started taking seroquel, does seem to be helping a bit, the crying has definitely eased, main side effect is makes me very tired. I don’t think age is a barrier to healing, more case luck of the drawer as to whether we heal quickly or not. I don’t like taking anything else but can’t tolerate anti depressants. I do get up and dressed every day but spend most time just sitting in a chair. Don’t feel I have a life, doesn’t help when the mental health co-ordinator tells you it’s up to you start doing stuff and heal yourself. I am wondering about continuing taking it as just feel exhausted all day.The NHS support is virtually non existent. But really don’t think age will stop you healing😄

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Thank you Leann. You sit in a chair all day, I sit on my bed a great deal during the day.  I get up and dress and make sure I do a few chores.  Make the beds, wash a few dishes, and feed the birds. If I'm able, I walk my therapy dog Obi.  

A lot of symptoms have left. It's the ongoing head pressure and crying.  There are other symptoms but I work to minimize them. It's hard and beyond any words I have. I'd like to hear from a moderator, too. One minute at a time.  That's all I can do. 

God bless you and everyone else.  

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Hey all!  Reading your posts makes me sad and hopeful all at the same time. I am 63 years old and approaching the 4 year mark in March.  It has been quite a journey, but I do believe we will heal; maybe not exactly how and when we hoped, but heal nonetheless.  Healing to me looks like returning to a life where I can feel hopeful and joyful.  Not perfect, and not without some normal aches and pains, but have days that are consistently manageable.  

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I AM 74 and was on klonopin and sometimes Xanax for over 35 years. I am healing but I have a ways to go.  But compared to what I was I am so much better.  You are not too old to heal but I do feel the longer a person is on this crap the longer and harder it is to get off.  I am at the end of six years tapering and just having a devil of a time getting off the last half milligram.  I've basically been one year on the same dosage and my body just won't let me get off.  My body is just so addicted to this crap.  But I will continue to try. 

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