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Long Haulers

Peter Yost being interviewed by Dr. Josef Doerring on YouTube!


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Just came across the interview referred to above.  For those of us having histamine issues, and especially those of us having severe neck pain, this interview brings to light in an in-depth manner these particular symptoms. When Mr. Yost addresses his severe cervical neck pain, I almost came out of my seat, as this, along with my head pain, closely mirrors my long time and worst symptom.  It is a long interview and I could only listen to a few minutes of it, but enough to appreciate his long-term suffering and recovery!  


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Hi Becks,it relates to BIND because this gentleman was given Valium and Ativan to treat anxiety as a young man who started having panic attacks in college.   He was never told of the dangers of taking these drugs long term, therefore, he took them off and on for 20 years as he was misguided by several doctors.  He was put into a rehab unit which was awful as they pulled him off the drugs rapidly and added more drugs on, he then tried to commit suicide and ended up in the ICU, and from then on he has slowly been trying to recover.  Lost his house and his job, and almost his life,  He also has had very significant histamine issues which his functional doctor believes is contributing to his protracted recovery.  I also have the histamine issue, so I was also interested in that part of his story!!!.   His story is similar to Jordan Peterson’s, who had a horrific experience with Xanax, I believe.  I was drawn to the interview between Peter Yost and Dr. Witt-Doerring as Mr. Yost has had the painful neck pain I suffer with.  It was a very long interview, over an hour, but for me it was worth listening to!!!


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I'm not a Long Hauler but your info could help me with the histamine intolerance and neck pain I've had for many years.  I would so appreciate a link, since I'm searched youtube and can't find Yost with Dr. Josef Doering.  I am working on this very issue with not much improvement, please help me out if you can, Denise

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His story and timeline is so similar to mine, it’s upsetting. So many people end up in rehabs because there is no other option, or there wasn’t much in 2019, not like now. I got a double whammy being ripped off of opioids and benzos at the same time. I also had to sell my house and have been gravely disabled. My ongoing neck pain is excruciating, but not as bad as it once once so that gives me hope. In years 2-3 I could hear my neck audibly crunching, which turns out it was literally crumbling based on X rays of my cervical spine. I cannot help but wonder if this is a natural progression for my age or amplified by the extreme stress of withdrawal. Probably a little bit of both, but I have hope it will continue to improve. Movement didn’t help before, but now it does.

Peter is a hero and brave man for coming forward with his story. Someday I will tell mine in full as well, if even to just my family and the friends I still have left, which aren’t many.  

Rehab is like a pipeline to the psych ward. There is a software called Open Beds they use to funnel people around. The same parent conpany, Bamboo Health, also owns Narxcare, which places a risk score on us, also used for various nefarious purposes. Makes me feel like human capital. Hope the CEO’s are enjoying their yachts. 

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