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Bpc157 /tb500 /mgf blend trial


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So I used bpc before but was the oral version and it did nothing for me but gonna document my experience with injectable bpc157/tb500/mgf blend from battleborn peptides for anyone considering these substances.   I’m only on day 3 but so far.  Still feeling nothing.   Just documenting to save others time down the road 

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How are getting on with this? I'm doing BPC on its own now as I've run out of KPV and finding it quite helpful. Mood is better etc. Nothing groundbreaking or anything. But helpful non the less

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Well Im now undecided. My main symptom is this weird head pressure and pain.  It never fully goes away.  Been this way for 2 years.  It’s basically my only symptom.  Is it iron is it the benzos or the Covid shot or a csf leak.  During my taper i admit I did taper too fast and at one point I do remember feeling this “pop” in my head. Almost took me to my knees so did I pop the dural liner of my brain and have a csf leak ??? Fk knows I’ll never really probably know with 100 percent clarify.  Anywho no matter what has caused it I just keep trying tons and tons of stuff and I’m now trying to put some things to rest thay I may not have given a fair shot bpc157 I kinda half ass took for 2 months and took pills at that so I thought before moving onto something new try injecting it.  
While my head pain and pressure never goes away fully it does have periods it’s better and worse. It kinda waxes and wanes in intensity.  My head was REALLY fn killing me prior to using my blend injections now it doesn’t hurt quite as bad. But where I work we had a Covid out break and I’m just kinda over the whole covid bs now and I don’t wear a mask around patients even when I know they have Covid.  I had multiple patients coughing in my face and zero mask on. I as in patients rooms for an hour up close zero mask.  I’ve had Covid twice now and each time it’s a normal cold but wow is the head pain and pressure terrible. So I didn’t get Covid wow was the head pressure and pain severe 2 weeks ago and then I start injecting my blend and it has subsided.  Is it the injections or did I have a mild case of Covid from so much exposure and it went away on its own or not.  🤷‍♂️ I may have to run it another month to really know.  My head does hurt less but as you can see still a lot of variables 

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