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Relora for anxiety


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Has anyone tried this with success?  Any other herbs that might work for severe anxiety?  I know they are all gabaergic, but some people say that doesn't matter, others say it does.

I have passionflower, valerian root, hops, bacopa, haven't dared try any.

I tried thiamine and it made me worse

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On 25/10/2023 at 11:21, [[S...] said:

Has anyone tried this with success?  Any other herbs that might work for severe anxiety?  I know they are all gabaergic, but some people say that doesn't matter, others say it does.

I have passionflower, valerian root, hops, bacopa, haven't dared try any.

I tried thiamine and it made me worse

It's a very individual thing. What may help one person, may hurt another. Although I personally agree with the people who say that there's no need to avoid everything that works on GABA, it's always best to be cautious with things. Especially the earlier off you are, as people seem to be more sensitive then and I see you're off since June. 

You say you reacted to Thiamine, B vitamins can be stimulating for many along with Vit D.#

L-Theanine is generally calming though, so not sure if you meant that? Again, it's generally well supported, but everyone is so different it's hard to know until you try. 

Regarding your original question about Relora. I'd never heard of it, but after googling it's a complex. It's always better to try things individually IMHO, because if you react to something in a complex, you don't know what 1 has caused the problem. But if you want to look into it further, here's a link to a Relora search on the forum https://benzobuddies.org/search/?q=relora&quick=1

From my personal perspective on the others you've mention, I found passionflower quite strong and made me a bit worse.  Valerian, I've only had as tea and was OK. Hops, I've never tried. Bacopa I personally like and find helpful, as too ashwagandha. BUT you're experience may be different. 

The only thing I can suggest really is starting very small with anything you do decide to try. So if it's a capsule, open it and pour most of it out. That way if you do react, it won't be too bad. 

The search function is very good, so if there's anything else you might consider I'm sure there will be plenty of threads you can find. Or feel free to ask about anything else.

Edited by [Ha...]
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I used Relora for awhile. It definitely worked, but over time I built tolerance and it stopped working and I suffered a rebound.

Be careful with it would be my advice.



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@[Na...]Thanks for reply; how long did it work for? What was the rebound like and how long for? Did you have physical anxiety?


Do you use anything else?

I'm so desperate

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If the benzo only made me worse, then would gabaergic stuff be just as bad?  I'm wondering if the herbs are safer for people who responded well to their benzo and stabilised at least at some point.  I never did.  @[Ha...] yes I meant l-theanine.  I last tried it a couple months ago though.

The only supplement I'm taking is magnesium glycerinate. but I'm on a lot of rx medication at the moment unfortunately

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1 hour ago, [[S...] said:

@[Na...]Thanks for reply; how long did it work for? What was the rebound like and how long for? Did you have physical anxiety?

Do you use anything else?

I'm so desperate

It worked for around 6-weeks to 2 months. The rebound was like a somewhat less severe form of acute withdrawal. It was not pleasant.

If by physical anxiety you mean that symptoms of anxiety without actually being anxious about anything in particular, yes I’ve had that mixed in with some regular old anxiety.

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