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Remeron/mirtazapine induced histamine intolerance


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I am seeing the admins of this great site made some regulations including our support group in terms of cancelling support groups. Anyway, I objected to this decision but if we cant take back that again, I think we can go on discussing here. Because, majority of people who take remeron suffer from Histamine Intolerance that this stuff brought. Remeron has a powerful antihistamine side as much as it has AD properties. Somehow, it messes up our histamine receptors in the brain, then histamine high/liberating foods, stress, heat etc make the WD harder. It is useful to express I have learnt the most things from Dave(now power) and I am transferring my knowledge to newbies and all others as much as I can. I am here to share my pocket and help people also to take back if you have some new information about the WD process.

I think this thread will be useful so much. Lets move on..

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Hi all,

I'm not sure what's going on here. But I understand that @[Pa...] has already closed down a similar thread and explained her and our reasons.

The problem with Buddie Blogs was that members tended to stick to their own Blog and the Blogs of their friends at BB. The problem with Support Groups was that members tended to identify with a group, and spend most of their time there. These two areas pulled away support from new members who were unlikely to make use of those two cliquey areas. As a result, many new members would drift away because they were poorly supported. Although it is early days, we have already seen activity about double within the core support areas of the community since we reorganised how we operate.

We wish to avoid unnecessary subdividing of our membership. We are not going to have a 'Remeron club'; we are not going to have a 'Xanax club'; we are not to have a six to twelve months off club. What will have are threads dealing with the specific problems and concerns of a member as they arise, and other members will respond with their thoughts and suggestions. We can have threads dealing with specific problems, that's fine. But we wish to avoid the creation of spaces which become silos, where members rarely venture beyond. The changes we  made are already working.

These changes were necessary to ensure that we reversed the steady decline in activity at BB. If we did not do this, BB would close. This summer, activity dropped to just 20% of our peak in 2014-15, and was still getting worse. We have already reversed the decline, and members, particularly newer members, are already better supported.

I'll leave open this thread for a day or two in case anyone wishes to comment in response to this post - but it will close. We are not making chances to upset anyone - we have made these changes because they were necessary to ensure this support space to continue to operate.

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Colin - 

This is a small group of people going through a very similar experience of having survived benzo w/d and now supporting one another through mirtazapine w/d. This thread has been a lifeline for some of us. We are not on the rest of the boards because we have already gone through the years of withdrawal and are having a different experience. Our thread has never taken anyone away from posting on the regular boards, and others who are new here have frequently found us and chimed in.

The large majority of people on this site are not tapering from mirtazapine. I believe this site is still an appropriate place to discuss our issues b/c they are specifically related to benzo + mirtazapine usage and w/d. That said, if we are not allowed to communicate in this way any longer on the boards here, what do you recommend? Use email to connect with one another? See if we can migrate to a different site?

I'm as confused as the others by what harm a thread could do, but certainly open to your suggestions.



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12 hours ago, [[o...] said:

Colin - 

This is a small group of people going through a very similar experience of having survived benzo w/d and now supporting one another through mirtazapine w/d. This thread has been a lifeline for some of us. We are not on the rest of the boards because we have already gone through the years of withdrawal and are having a different experience. Our thread has never taken anyone away from posting on the regular boards, and others who are new here have frequently found us and chimed in.

Hello @[op...]

With respect, you are missing the point. As you say, the 'Remeron Group' is indeed one small group. As were the myriad of other 'small groups', each catering to a small subset of the community. And, just as you admit above, members of each group 'were not on the rest of the boards'. This is precisely the problem I described.

I suppose you feel that we should make a special exception for a Remeron Group. But I am sure members of other archived thread-based groups would also like a special carve out for their groups. We did move one Buddie Blog from the Archive to an active forum because it seemed to operate a bit differently to the other blogs. However, perhaps predictably, we received complaints from others who wished for their Blogs also moved from the archive. Instead, the moved Blog was returned to the archive. There will be no return of thread-based Buddie Blogs or thread-based Support Groups. There will be no special carve outs for specific Buddie Blogs or Support Groups.

12 hours ago, [[o...] said:

The large majority of people on this site are not tapering from mirtazapine. I believe this site is still an appropriate place to discuss our issues b/c they are specifically related to benzo + mirtazapine usage and w/d. That said, if we are not allowed to communicate in this way any longer on the boards here, what do you recommend? Use email to connect with one another? See if we can migrate to a different site?

I'm as confused as the others by what harm a thread could do, but certainly open to your suggestions.



Threads started by individual members looking for support or feedback about their use of Remeron are fine. But just like nearly any other message board operates out there, if another member has questions about their use of Remeron, they should create their own thread.

Those siloed spaces were killing the dynamic of the community. We were haemorrhaging members for years. We were (and are) not willing to see the community die for the sake of a sub-set of long term members who mostly know where they are at and what they are doing, at the expense of newer members who have little idea of what to do. We have already witnessed (and heard from) many established members who now feel reengaged with the community because of these changes, and are better interacting with newer members. BenzoBuddies works best when established members help new members, who in turn become established members and will go on to support future new members. That's how places like BB work and what will ensure the future of our community.

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Hi @[Co...]

So, going forward if one of us has an update about our current  Remeron/Mirtazapine taper or has a question about an aspect of our taper, we should do an individual post? Then once we get the answer or feedback, we don't continue posting until we have another update/question and we create another new post? 

I think that's what you said but I want to be clear. 


Final Healing 



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@[Fi...] If you have a continuing connected concern, then of course you can (and should) continue to use the same thread. But multiple members should not be using the same thread for the same concern. Although their central concern might be similar in nature, there always will be differences in what they experience and their situation. Further, if a member needs to come back to the subject, the fact there are not a myriad of other members posting to the same thread means that they, and responding members, will be able to quickly discern the full context. We cannot do this if everyone with a (notionally) similar concern all post to the same thread.

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Hey Colin. Thank you for checking in. But I acknowledged @[Pa...]before opening this thread. Please lets us speak about the problems we have. Otherwise we dont know what to do anymore. This stuff is all related a disturbance called "histamine intolerance" and we are learning new things from each other. I dont wish but if you close this thread too, how could we help each other. We are not here to talk politics, sports etc. I am on the 2nd journey and I have been still learning new things even now. Please allow us to share about this subject.

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18 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Hey Colin. Thank you for checking in. But I acknowledged @[Pa...]before opening this thread. Please lets us speak about the problems we have. Otherwise we dont know what to do anymore. This stuff is all related a disturbance called "histamine intolerance" and we are learning new things from each other. I dont wish but if you close this thread too, how could we help each other. We are not here to talk politics, sports etc. I am on the 2nd journey and I have been still learning new things even now. Please allow us to share about this subject.

@[ju...], you’re welcome to discuss your problems as they arise. When you have a symptom or issue, you title your post and other members respond with their experience relating to yours.  When another issue arises, you do the same thing.

 What we don’t want to see is a thread that encompasses every aspect of Remeron withdrawal.  This makes it difficult for members tapering and recovering from Remeron to find the particular issue they’re facing.  For the sake of newer members who don’t have the patience or cognitive function to read through a thread many pages long, I hope you’ll think of them. 


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2 hours ago, [[j...] said:

Hey Colin. Thank you for checking in. But I acknowledged @[Pa...]before opening this thread. Please lets us speak about the problems we have. Otherwise we dont know what to do anymore. This stuff is all related a disturbance called "histamine intolerance" and we are learning new things from each other. I dont wish but if you close this thread too, how could we help each other. We are not here to talk politics, sports etc. I am on the 2nd journey and I have been still learning new things even now. Please allow us to share about this subject.

If you wish to discuss research or pet theories, Chewing the Fat is the best forum for such matters. Threads there might be nearly any length, with no focus on any particular member. But if it is support matter, such discussions should focus on an individual member (usually the topic starter). Health Matters is one suitable forum for those types of discussions. As are the Benzodiazepine Use, Withdrawal & Recovery and Taper Strategy forums (amongst others).

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I have understood nothing, really nothing. When I came here 4 years ago I was in a full misery. The long posts you adressed had been great hope for me those times. I looked for a crumb of information in those long posts. I owe too much thing to BB, but to me you underestimate the role of "support". You could examine my history when I was in there first, literally I couldnt take support from anybody. I saw some members were using the group as if theirs. Group in group. But time by time I was also in. Of course you have the statistics, but while doing that old members could go away like facebook groups etc. There is an exact shape you describe: survivingantidepressants. Someone opens a thread about his career on the ADs, but this time some people emerge in 1st lines, the others get lost in the time. As far as I know the site has come to an end with this shape. You may be right about the most subjects, but when you close the support channels, most people will worry. There is an idiom in my country: "If you want to administrate National Education Ministry easily, close the schools first". The solution shouldnt be based on radical decisions like that. I saw so many complaints in the site about your decision, I believe you will find a proper mid-way for ongoing situation.

Edited by [ju...]
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