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Hi @allen yes I use this list of supplements:



-5 htp


-vitamin c



-l theanine 

-vitamin b complex



-herbal support like ashwaganda, kava kava, passionflower, lemon balm

- melatonin for sleep 

 I take these to support my body. I am trying to down regulate glutamate and also give my brain everything it needs to function properly and heal. 

browse this website it’s really informative

i do feel better, the mag helps with the gi issues, the taurine helps with the glutamate, the b complex helps with nerve repair so does vitamin c and choline, 

I do think I’d be in a more stressed out state if I wasn’t supplementing 

benzos leach all our b vitamins and magnesium which are necessary  parts for the healthy functioning of the electrical processing that occurs in our brains 




all that being said you can have neuro transmitter tests done and micronutrient texts done through blood, urine and saliva. This will help you see where you could be depleted or get insight into your brains neurotransmitter activity 

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I also take zinc orotate 

forgot to mention that one

the body will use what it can and pre out what it can’t so I mean the goal it to support your body and brain while tapering. 

some people report having bad experiences so listening to your body is best.

also if your supplements aren’t high quality and lab tested for purity they will make you feel worse so be very particular about the manufacturer you use. 

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