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More doom and gloom on YouTube videos done by doctors and benzo coaches. Or just my interpretation????


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So are brain injuries PERMANENT?

cuz that's what I have

BENZOS and psych meds ruined my life and my health is worse now than it was when I started this journey 10 years ago

gah these people who can't look at reality

hate to think what their stance is on Covid?

Why is nobody mentioning it?

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On 06/04/2024 at 17:19, [[c...] said:

So are brain injuries PERMANENT?

cuz that's what I have

BENZOS and psych meds ruined my life and my health is worse now than it was when I started this journey 10 years ago

gah these people who can't look at reality

hate to think what their stance is on Covid?

Why is nobody mentioning it?

Are brain injuries permanent?

I have no idea. If I get hit by a bus tomorrow I suppose that my injuries would have ended up being permanent. 

But I can tell you - there are people that have been at this longer than me (9 years this summer) that got better. And most of them had decided it was permanent. 

None of us has a crystal ball. None of us can see the future. We are assured of nothing in this world. And that would be the case for us even if we'd never touched a benzo.

All we can do is try our best to get through the next day. 

We can all fixate and ruminate on how lousy our lives are. Most of us would be perfectly justified in doing so.

But, it's only going to make you feel worse. Sitting and chanting "My life is ruined" isn't going to do anything positive for you. 

I can't blame you for feeling so negative. But it isn't doing you any good.

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10 hours ago, [[N...] said:

Are brain injuries permanent?

I have no idea. If I get hit by a bus tomorrow I suppose that my injuries would have ended up being permanent. 

But I can tell you - there are people that have been at this longer than me (9 years this summer) that got better. And most of them had decided it was permanent. 

None of us has a crystal ball. None of us can see the future. We are assured of nothing in this world. And that would be the case for us even if we'd never touched a benzo.

All we can do is try our best to get through the next day. 

We can all fixate and ruminate on how lousy our lives are. Most of us would be perfectly justified in doing so.

But, it's only going to make you feel worse. Sitting and chanting "My life is ruined" isn't going to do anything positive for you. 

I can't blame you for feeling so negative. But it isn't doing you any good.

@[Na...]I always resonate with you brother. Your kindness and wisdom have made some of my days worth staying in the fight ❤️

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Watch Melissa Boutilier she has benn through he’ll tell it likes it is but came through it.if  Wasn’t 

so difficult to transfer money from UK to Canada  would bool some sessions lot of stuff on videos is bullshit. I have been lot worse last few days hoping it’s a waves just cry all day x

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