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My alternatives treatment algorithm


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In the very spirit of this board I have what prob is even more alternative of ideas than most on here.  I believe that what withdrawal does to us is highly individual based upon our genetics and or what medical or mental health conditions preexisted wd and our genetic predisposition or potentially what gene mutations we may have 

in my opinion everyone should at first give it a year to heal and if they aren’t healed within a year then it’s time to start digging deeper. 
the first step is medical screening.  Boy do I wish I had done this and saved myself months of spinning my wheels and thinking those depressive thoughts of thinking I was permanently damaged.  You need blood work consisting of the usual basics cbc and cmp but I believe you need to know what your entire iron panel including ferretin is , b12 , folate and vitamin d.  That is a bare MINUMUM I would do FIRST. 
Take it from me I had been suffering with extreme head pain and pressure for a year and a half and was injecting hgh (will get to this later) in hopes of repairing my “damaged brain”. When the whole time I had a critically low iron level.  When your iron level is low like mine it makes all the blood vessels in the brain EXPAND hence the pressure feeling I had.  How is hgh supposed to fix that ? It can’t. Hgh works to heal wounds and fix damage but hgh can’t shrink the diameter of the blood vessels in my head so I was spinning my wheels getting no where. So first off make sure you get your blood work done and get those levels OPTIMAL.  Not “meh ok” or let your dr say they are fine.  These drs understand less about vitamin deficiencies than they do benzo wd. Your vitamin d should be around 70 folate 20 b12 800 and ferretin 100-150 

once you have already established if you have the building blocks to heal then you can think of adding supplements.  After much much much trial and error I’ve come to realize that most of these things out will help with symptoms.   Amanita helps calm you and can help with sleep.  Same with kava. Cbd can do that as well and maybe temporarily stop the pain. But this is all symptom management.  While there is a time and place for symptom management no one takes blue lotus to heal their broken arm. Or no one takes cbd if they damage their heart. These supplements do not actually heal tissue.  in my opinion there are only a few select things that can heal actual brain matter hgh being the first. It is a hormone naturally present in the body and is the hormone most responsible for healing. And yes if you break your arm and take hgh your arm will indeed heal faster.  Hgh however is not a panacea nor will it turn you into wolverine or Deadpool able to regenerate missing limbs.  It cannot as example reverse all the symptoms of a stroke.  If the tissue is dead it can’t heal it. I personally do think benzos do cause brain damage however not to the extent of a stroke and not to the extent where hgh doesn’t have its place. But remember it can’t work if your b12 is 250 or ferretin a 25 etc etc injecting hgh just gives your body the ability to heal that you did in your teens and early 20s

next is all the toxins we take in on a daily basis.  The water we drink the food we eat is contaminated even when we eat healthy it still has insecticides metals antibiotics. The air that we breathe. It’s just everywhere and your body has to eliminate these out the best it can. You obviously should try to take in as few as possible. Clean water in a glass not plastic no sodas no refined foods to limit this toxic burden as much as you can but with what’s left. Your body uses glutathione to reduce and eliminate these toxins as we age glutathione gets depleted and thus toxins build.  Many believe this is one of the key elements responsible for aging. So luckily in todays age and time we can now buy glutathione. You can either inject it with a rx sold online or another Avenue is taking NAC+ glycine in specific ratios (do your homework) will increase glutathione within 6-8 weeks and thus eliminate those metals and toxins in your body. 

doing just those three things will PRIME your body to heal.  Those three things in my opinion when all 3 are done together will make you as close to “Wolverine” as humanly possible. 

good luck to all those in this healing Process!!    You are only damaged for good if you do nothing about it!

take care 


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