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Had some bad panicky, intrusive thoughts lastnight..


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..so broke down and took some Kava Kava capsules I bought that are supposed to relax me.  I left them alone after 2 nights of a good sleep when I first got them.  I had read something about the Kava working on the GABA and Glutamate receptors so it scared me a little.  I think it was a passing thing lastnight as I sat around most of the day except one trip out to the grocery store.  Watching internet TV, program after program didn't help matters.  Gentle type programs, not anything to raise my anxiety level, then my little novel that's gentle reading as well about the Amish, by an Amish Author I really love.  I've read many of her books, Marta Perry if anyone is interested.

I feel as though on occasions when I am really feeling frightened, and can't fall asleep, it's because I don't get myself tired enough during the day.  Gym days are every other day, and I haven't been taking walks after dinner, but I feel pretty safe taking the Kava Kava if I end up as I was lastnight, as long as I don't make it a habit.

Anyone else take the Kava for relaxing symptoms?  I have to ill effects from it, not drowsy in the a.m. etc. Denise:smitten:PS I know I've talked about this in the past here on BB but wanted to hear more about it. It keeps me from "rescue dosing" which happened 3 times early in my taper.


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Hi Oregonlady,

I am sorry to hear you are going through that.  I know it is scary when you are alone.  At one point it was so bad, I was calling the National Crisis Line almost nightly. Now I pray through it and praise God, it is helping.

Do you do well with tea?  I tried the Yogi Kava tea it was soothing while watching a comedy show on tv, but it had other herbs in it that I did not react well to it. (I found I can't stack herbs)  But research says if you choose Kava tea or capsules make sure it's the safest form.

Kava - Wikipedia

Hope this does not last for you

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