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I wanna try to keep it brief, during the move to the new site, I lost access to my old account so this is new. These were my only two posts:

Now moving forward, I basically got better, and after a few months in April went on this brute force glutamine desensitisation war path, where I started with steamed chicken then olive oil, then spices and, eggs, meats, etc... I was doing fantastic and basically a tank until I ate these gluten free cookies:


And some rice noodles with regular non antibiotic free chicken(I didnt eat the chicken) just the noodles that was cooked with the chicken. Following that I started a downward spiral. I feel like im back at square one and really want to avoid the theatrics of having to cut everything out and subsist on 2000ish calories of white rice. Im 5 ft 3 so please dont tell me its not enough, it is, I put on weight white eating that. I went from 39kg to 43ish and now about 45kg.

I dont understand what is going on? Why is the brute forcing not working anymore and what is causing this continuous decline even after I have gone back to a clean diet of ABF chicken and rice?

Does someone have any idea?

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It's hard to say. There are some people that have a setback because of some trigger like a diet change, or some supplement, or some new stressor in their life. And then there are others that have a setback for no apparent reason whatsoever.

At this point all you can do is try to reverse anything that you think might have caused it and just wait it out. If you were better in the past, you should get better in the future - your body/mind still "knows how to feel better".

In all the years I've been here, the occurrence of people that I'm aware of that had improvements, then a setback, and the setback didn't eventually resolve itself has been extremely low. Maybe even zero but I don't want to say that just because I can't think of anyone at the moment.

That said, it's really difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you're in a bad wave like this that has lasted so many months. It always seems like a hole you'll never climb out of when it happens to me. But eventually you will.

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Thanks for your reply Nathan, I understand what you are saying and where you are coming from and I do agree. It's just very hard in this current state. All indicators point towards having to go back to white rice diet for a while then brute forcing again. Im hoping if there is another way, as over the past month im getting more and more sensitive and its getting to unbearable levels.

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If your brute force plan was a “10”, maybe try dialing it back to a “5” or even lower instead of going back to a white rice diet?

Gotta tell you, after all the years I’ve been here, hearing someone say they are going to “brute force” something makes me a little nervous. These drugs leave some of us in a very fragile state and we just don’t respond well sometimes to big dramatic changes in anything. So I tell people if you’re going to try something, start small and work your way up slowly. Sounds like maybe you did that, but I can’t emphasize the go slowly part enough. It’s hard to have patience when you’re feeling so bad, but I have burned myself a number of times by jumping into some hot new treatment with both feet when I should have been a bit more cautious.

But I’m confident you’ll eventually get back to where you were. You sound like someone that doesn’t give up easily.

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I have been trying to dial it back, but every time I dial it back i feel a little better but then start feeling worse until I dial it back again. Last time this happened until I reached a point where I couldn’t dial it back any further as it was plain rice and all I could eat. 

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Would reinstating then eating healthy and taking a bunch of medical treatments like "NAD", "Stem Cells", herbal stuff or some of the other talked about possible solutions be a sane route to take?

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If it were me, I wouldn’t do anything dramatic like that - look at it this way - if that stuff consistently worked we’d all be doing it and BB would be out of business.

Even having given you that advice I can tell you I’ve tried a lot of things including a few on your list and continue to try things now and then. No magic bullets so far.

- NAD: Did daily injections for maybe 4-6 months. Thought it was helping for a bit but that didn’t last. In the end did nothing positive or negative. Did empty my wallet some.

-Stem Cells: I haven’t tried it myself but know a number of people who have. Some say it helped, some say it devastated then, some got no effect at all. The people I know that felt it harmed them seemed to have really been thrown backwards a lot.

-Herbs: Tried more than I can remember. Nothing has really made a big improvement.





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Yeah I thought just as much. But I feel like there must be something that can solve it, I mean BB has been here for almost 20 years, how has a cure not been discovered yet. Ive read alot of the posts by ramcon1 and nov3, they really seemed to be on to something. Especially with ramcon1's theory about protracted symptoms just being glutamate system over reaction, and I was inspired by his idea that if someone were put in a coma and their body pumped with pure glutamate for a month it would probably solve their problems. Which is where I came up with my brute force methodology. And I swear it was working great. Was on white rice for about 1-2 months, stabilised but obviously suffering nutritional deficits. Then started with 10grams of chicken breast per day and incrementing it slowly. It felt like shit and flared up symptoms but every 4 days holding would reset the whole thing. It's remarkable really. Which is why I dont understand, it's like the setback is causing it to desensitise even after stopping whatever that was initially causing it. 

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I take lithium orotate. It isn’t going to do anything dramatic quickly, but it can help control excitotoxcity. I wish I had started taking it before beginning my taper, probably would have done more good there but might do some good long term even now. Populations that have a higher lithium intake because it occurs naturally in their water supply tend to have less dementia in their old age.

Haven’t done anything with oxygen therapy, hyperbaric or otherwise. There were people talking about trying it on the old board. You might search the archive and see if you can find anyone that tried it.

Zoloft is an SSRI. I personally wouldn’t take it, but you should check out the side effects and decide if it’s something you’re willing to risk. I just don’t think SSRIs have a great track record at helping and they definitely have downsides. We got ourselves in to this situation by fooling around with one major neurotransmitter system (gaba receptors). I’m not convinced that messing around with another neurotransmitter system (serotonin) is likely to be a good idea.

I’m just worried that you are in a very fragile place with your setback and that just randomly trying things may make you worse. I’ve done that to myself and seen many others do it was well.

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Yeah sounds about right. I feel like doing anything but getting back on my plain rice diet is going to just delay things, especially in my fragile state. When did you start taking the lithium and how did it make you feel at first? 

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