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A Song About Our Experience Courtesy of ChatGPT


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I asked ChatGPT to wax poetic on BIND (Benzodiazepine-Induced Neurological Dysfunction), and here was the result:

(Verse 1)
In the depths of a mind, a silent storm did brew,
Benzodiazepines took hold, their grasp so true,
A soothing calm they promised, a respite from the pain,
But little did we know, they'd bring a darker rain.

Oh, the horrors of the pills, the chains they create,
Neurological dysfunction, a cruel and bitter fate,
But within the darkness, something starts to gleam,
A journey to healing, a chance to redeem.

(Verse 2)
Withdrawal grips the soul, a tempest in the night,
Anxiety and tremors, an endless, harrowing fight,
Synapses misfire, like lightning in the sky,
Yet through the torment, we'll find a way to fly.

Oh, the horrors of the pills, the chains they create,
Neurological dysfunction, a cruel and bitter fate,
But within the darkness, something starts to gleam,
A journey to healing, a chance to redeem.

We gather our strength, we stand up tall,
Facing the abyss, we give it our all,
Ashton and fellow warriors, guiding the way,
Together we'll conquer, come what may.

(Verse 3)
Days turn to weeks, and weeks into years,
As we shed the pain, we shed the tears,
Slowly but surely, we mend the broken ties,
Rediscovering ourselves, beneath the cloudy skies.

Oh, the horrors of the pills, the chains they create,
Neurological dysfunction, a cruel and bitter fate,
But within the darkness, something starts to gleam,
A journey to healing, a chance to redeem.

Now we rise from the ashes, stronger than before,
A symphony of healing, a life to explore,
Though the scars may linger, a testament to might,
We've found our way back, into the healing light.

Sums it up pretty well for me. 

I changed the wording of the portions in italics. The original read "A glimmer" instead of "something" and "Doctors and healers" instead of "Ashton and fellow warriors," because it didn't flow well or just didn't ring true.


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