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Need advice on taper


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I completed a taper from klonopin mid March.  For the last 7 weeks took 5mg valium for muscle pain.  I know that's not the best thing to do.

Some days I took 2.5mg.  How do I taper this?  Any advice appreciated.  Still suffering some symptoms from klonopin taper but don't want to stay on the valium.

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I understand you'd like to get off the valium quickly but I don't think that is a good idea.  In my opinion it would be best for you to do a cautious taper.  What concerns me is that I think it's very likely that you're kindled and this makes it even more important to treat your nervous system gently.  Kindling is a theory that your nervous system has a memory of past withdrawal and that memory remains imprinted on your nervous system making subsequent withdrawals more challenging.  

So I think it would be wisest to do what we typically suggest:  Taper with cuts of 5-10% of your most recent dose every 2 weeks or longer.  It's best, we find, to let your taper be guided by your symptoms, that is slowing down, holding longer, making smaller cuts if your symptoms become too rough.  The goal as you know is to help you function as well as possible during your taper.  We will support you through whatever process you choose.  


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