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Coaches are not lying, but I’m having a bad wave


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First, I want to say that I don’t believe coaches are lying when they say that everybody heals. It just takes some people a very, very long time.  These people have many many years of anecdotal experience, and they are not all lying. People like Professor Astin and Dr. James Wright, who did this for 30 years also said  that every single person does recover. Also, Ian Singleton, 30 years.


Having said that, I am at 6 1/2 years and in such a bad wave with deep despair. It is so confusing. I used to feel this way often and now it’s very rare. I have no idea who here I can offer me reassurance but if anyone feels like it, it would be nice.



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Hi I-m still tapering and ever since taking a benzo in October 2022 not felt good at all BUT if you have felt good before I'm certain you can feel good again. If you've had windows  you'll get more.
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Hi there!

May I ask you what kind of wave you are experiencing?

Is it physical or mental,

Maybe some other things play part or something triggered you…

I hope it settles soon ♥️

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I hear you. What helps me at those times is to remember that doubt is just a thought. If you really examine it, it's just a thought or series of 'what if' thoughts that pop up and we can either pay attention to them or not. Doubt may try to conjure up evidence to support its existence (like the sxs of the wave you're in) but there's loads of evidence for hope as well. So it sort of just becomes a choice. If you don't engage with Doubt, it'll pass on by and you'll regain that all important sense of hope.


Hang in there!


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I want to say thank you to the kind people who responded and offered encouragement. You were particularly kind because you are so much earlier in this process, and rather than being frightened, and or angry at me for posting that I’ve been in withdrawl for so long, you have chosen to be kind. It moves me.


Regarding what has triggered this wave, some minor stress… But it’s only because I was already in a wave that this got so bad. It’s all mental at this time.


Thank you again for the kind words.

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I'm so sorry you're in a bad wave.  But it's encouraging that they're becoming rarer for you as time passes.  From what we see on the forum there's a very strong link between stressors of all kinds and an uptick in symptoms.  Can you think of any any stressors that might have been at play here?  In any case your symptoms will settle down and very soon,, I hope.
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Brighter day,  yes, stressors are playing a role in my current wave, I am sure. My son and his girlfriend have come to stay with me for 4 days and I have deep worries about their relationship, and he’s about to ask her to marry him. Before this I recently got hit with a bad wave when I traveled, which happens often. But I also get waves that come out of nowhere sometimes.  THank you for your help!!!
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