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Tetanus Shot?


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Hello there, I have previous xanax use, but my issues stem from a lot of different meds over a relatively short time (less than 3 years) causing general instability and sensitivity, it all started with Lexapro and Xanax, however.


Anyway, I am 3.5 months off all psych meds, last one was Dayvigo a sleep med, and still on Inderal. So i am on Inderal only and despite some very unpleasant things like continued apathy/anhedonia, and sleep issues, there are weeks on end that i feel things are better. Some nights, it's awful with no sleep and weird sensations, but overall, yes I felt things trending better and better.


Now, I punctured my heel with an upholstrey/furniture staple sticking out of the couch yesterday. Bam, right into my heel and OW. A tiny bit of blood and cleaned right away with soap, water, and a swipe of rubbing alochol.


The problem is I am over 10 years from last tetanus booster. So do I get one or not. This decision is creating MASSIVE anxiety/OCD for me. I did not sleep last night and feel convinced I am going to die. I keep picturing myself dying from either the tetanus or the vaccine and I cannot escape these awful feelings and beliefs. I feel terrible! I was feeling kind of good and happy even last ngith before the incident. Sigh.


This horrible anxiety may be exacerbated by the fact I am getting my period for the first time in months of not having it due to withdrawal related chaos. So, I don't know if my concern for tetanus and the shot are warranted, or this is withdrawal induced fear.


I guess my questions is, a) have people gotten the tetanus shot (DT one specifically, I think I'd try to avoid the TDAP one) in withdawal and are they okay. I have had an extrenely difficult time with akithisia, insomnia, anhedonia, dp, etc. So this has shaken me to my core. b) how can I deal with the withdrawl anxiety about making this decision? I feel so doomed like whatever I do will be bad. c)i  don't know man. this is hard. any experience with vaccines, tetanus shot, or this sort of thing would be helpful. Really really scared of going back to feeling awful or even worse.

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Hello dariab  :) Welcome to BenzoBuddies.


I am glad you joined us.  Ouch!!  I am sorry about your heel!  I am sure others have needed tetanus shots, here is one thread,  If you use the search you will find other threads.

Tetanus Shot

Congratulations on being benzo free, withdrawal symptoms can be relentless but it does eventually get better. 


Check out the forum, post to any of the dedicated boards, please let us know if we help you further


Magrita :smitten:


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Thank you- it looks like people have gotten them and some have no issues, others have some issues... it doesn't appear to be something that is a hard and fast AVOID, like other things- namely certain antibiotics, alcohol, cannabis, etc. So, I might wind up getting it tomorrow.



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Let us know how it goes, what you write will help the next person.  Sorry we’re using you as a guinia pig.  :-[
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I'm kind of really scared about this... Did okay for the most part since the shot.... it's been like 55 hours since. Was already in a sort of wave due to my cycle, so some things could be attributed to that.


How long should I be on the watch here?


I am doing my best to have faith in my decision in that there was an injury, I was years overdue for a shot, and I believe tetanus seems rare, but probably not something one wants to encounter during W/PWS. Wish I didn't have to get one, but whether it was this mishap or another, at some point in the near future, a tetanus booster was going to be necessary.


It does seem like a fair number of people here have gotten this shot as well and seemingly were okay. On Surviving Antidepressants, that seems to be the trend as well, except for a couple who had a rough time/wave for a few weeks and then seemed to stabilize again.


Send me good vibes please!!



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I’m sure you’re going to be fine, worrying about this is probably worse on you than the actual shot, you know how we can amp our symptoms up with worry. 
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