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Xanax taper dosing question


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Hello, I am beginning a taper from 1mg  per day. I was taking only 1 dose per day but in researching I understand its better to stabilize the blood serum levels by breaking the dose up throughout the day, possibly even night. The information I came across said for xanax you may need to dose as many as 6-8x in a day so that when I get to a very low dose things will go more smoothly. Does anyone have any info on this? I'm currently switching to using a liquid homebrew and wanting to stabilize my serum levels before I begin the actual taper. Thanks.
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Hello Jbayer17, welcome to BenzoBuddies,


Most of our other members who take Xanax dose about 4 times a day, anything more than that will start to affect your quality of life which is severely compromised by this process, so I’d hate to see you suffer even more.  If you can’t live with 4 doses a day, it might be better to cross to a longer acting benzo.


For your information, Xanax comes from the manufacturer in liquid form in the US, if you’re interested.  How do you plan to prepare your liquid, do you need our help?



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I'm glad to hear that, 6-8x a day seemed excessive to me. 4 is perfect bc it makes the math easy for dosing. I'm using a method I read on here, i just dissolve the pill in about 5ml of vodka and fill the rest of my 100ml graduated cylinder up with water, put that in a jar, pour 100 more ml in there and then I'm able to pour out 50ml at a time after shaking the jar well. Once I start tapering I will just remove the needed amount of benzo water and fill it to the 100ml mark again amd continue on. I'm probably doing 5% every 2 weeks. I travel bc of work alot and I don't want to upset the apple cart with my doctor, so the liquid really isn't an option, I've tried to get switched to a long acting before and ended up with xanax xr which I can't use for this... thank you for the info!
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It sounds like you have a plan and I’m glad you understand you’re working with a suspension, not a solution.  Do you plan to take your laboratory with you on your trips, or will you make it in advance?  Because this is what we call a home brew, we don’t fully understand how long the mixture will stay viable. 
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Well, it's traveling in a camper so I just make it daily and have everything accessible for the most part.

I do have a question about switching from taking it as a pill to taking it as a suspension.  I've been kind of easing into it for the past week and making my evening dose in the form of a pill. Should I switch completely to the suspension before I start to taper dose and if so how long?

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I’m happy to hear you’ve been easing into the suspension, some members report noticing a difference between the tablets and the manufacturers liquid especially, not so much with the home brew but still its good to be cautious. 


You can taper from any place you feel comfortable doing so, using a combination of tablets and liquid perfectly acceptable.  Tablets as the easiest way to take your dose so most will continue doing that for as long as they can.

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