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hard work


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Can hard work or some event cause withdrawal symptoms? I'd appreciate if someone can relate to this. I needed to prepare for moving to another city, and used a lot of energy for packing and cleaning, etc. I got exhausted so much but wanted to finish all and continued to do them without sleeping well, and now my breath is so shallow that it is tough to have a meal. But my oxyen level in my blood is 98 percent, so it is normal level.
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Hi, deadwoodgone, thanks for the responding. just walking fast or long time cause me symptoms,so this time I think the event of mine was too much for me... wondering how long I need to get better from this setback. 😞 6 hours passed but did not get better.
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Hi Kay, this is normal. It's frustrating... but it's normal. Moving and changing your environment can put a lot of stress on you too so just try to be mindful of what your body needs. It can be discouraging, I know, but right now our bodies are healing and we need to let it happen. When I overexert myself, my symptoms are usually bad for a day or two and get better. I can't say the same will be true for you but I hope you start too feel relief soon. Take it as a sign that you need to slow down and that's okay.
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Hi, ScaredFiona, Thanks for the encouragements that this is temporary as I feel tired with my sensitivities. I regret that I tend to work hard at times as I want to be functioning, and distract from my symptoms😞



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Do you have some soothing way for getting through the symptoms? I do gently massage my body though i do not know if it is effective, so just distractions though. Thank you all.
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I wish there was an easy remedy, I really do. Finding the mental strength to wait it out and not jumping to the ever-so-tempting conclusion of "I will feel like this forever" helps me through it. In a messed up way, it reminds me of exposure therapy because I've felt my symptoms (even the most severe ones) so many times already and I've never died from them. Our brains are so powerful and it's fascinating to recognize how negatively our own bad thoughts can affect us. Both mentally and physically. When I'm really struggling, I go outside and find a little sliver of nature to be in. Sometimes it's literally just corporate landscaping. I don't know, it brings me back. Doing this is hard when my agoraphobia is intense but I force myself to and I've never once regretted it. Warm baths at night and cold showers in the morning help my physical symptoms and I also do some light self-massage. You're right about it mostly being a distraction though. There isn't a whole lot we can do about the length of time it will take for our bodies to heal. I'm only holding on right now. xo
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Hi,ScaredFiona, As you said, it took me around one day to get better from the wave. Thank you again for telling me that is temporary, it is a huge help for me as whenever I am in panic mode, I feel confused about how I have gone through the hell, and tend to think of the worst situation, which really affects my mental condition as well, and throw me into vicious circle. I will try cold shower,too Thank you, Thank you!!  :smitten:
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