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My stomach is feeling like torn up every time I eat anything.

Emotional blunting is killer.

Heart is making palpitations.


Did any of these improve for you guys?

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I have not fully recovered, so there are times that things creep back in, and only fully experienced one of the symptoms in your list, however...


Emotional blunting - at around 8 / 9 months I could feel some emotions creeping back in. It started off as being guilt and jealousy, then some more negative emotions (which I realise were always under the surface just not strong enough to fully recognise) began to amplify.


I started finding things genuinely funny a month or so after that, after having pretended to laugh and respond to things for months.


Then a month or so ago I suddenly realised that I was spending time with my partner and some family and I was absolutely elated as it was such a lovely day. The positive emotions had fully come back, I have no way of pinpointing when, but they were there!


They do slip back when I'm having a wave, as with how many symptoms fluctuate, and I can't fully feel love yet - but I've seen posts before saying it is one of the last emotions to return - but I have definitely had this symptom resolving and so am hopeful it will heal completely!

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Yes ScardCat, they all went away, I was a long term user 26 years, my symptoms didn't change much in the first year off, It was around 14 months things started to get better. I would find it hard to believe had it happened to someone else, because it was so fast, as if someone flicked a switch for my body to repair. I'd had most of the symptoms a few years, and within a few months they had gone.  Eat healthy, stay positive, a little light exercise is good..only if you can, It doesn't matter if you can't, you will still get there.


We are all different, it may happen for you sooner than it did for me.  It's still not as quick as we would like, but eventually it will all go away.


Magrita :smitten:


BiddyBee, this brought back memories, one of the first things to come back was my laughter.


I started finding things genuinely funny a month or so after that, after having pretended to laugh and respond to things for months.


My face would be sore with fake smiles, laughs!  the things that used to make me laugh did nothing.  I felt empty of feelings. my emotions were flat. 

The day my laughter returned, it came from nowhere and I will never forget it.  It was a magic moment for me and I knew after that happened, the rest would follow and I was going to get well again.

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