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bactrim(sulfamethoxazole) and side effects


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I have been off of klonopin since 3/17/2011, but did take .25 xanax 3 times the week of 5/3. Still having withdrawl symptoms, but getting better for sure. Ended up with a urinary tract infection that I found out about this past friday. Was prescribed the bactrim, because I told the dr. no floquinolones thinking that I would be o.k.  I have taken 3 pills and have noticed that I am holding tension in muscles again and can't seem to relax like I was finally being able to do if I started getting anxious. So this morning I went on BB's and found that bactrim is a problem, however, I read one post that was talking about if you don't have the benzo in your system anymore than there should not be a reaction. I am definitely having a reaction. Can anyone offer there experience or insight regarding this? Should I contact dr Monday and ask for amoxicylin? Thanks for your help! Will we ever be able to take a drug int the furture without having to deal with concerns?
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Hi mcFuzzie,


If you think you are having a reaction to medication that you are taking it would be wise to consult your Doctor.

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Hi mcfuzzie,

I totally agree with pj.  One of the most common allergies (benzos or not) is to sulfa drugs.  You should call your GP and explain what is going on.

Hope you feel better soon,


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I have been "cold turkey" off of Clonazepam since Dec. 27, 2010 and have experienced many withdrawal symptoms, but felt as though I was making very good progress. This was until two weeks ago - June 6, 2011 when I began to notice a terrible burning while urinating. I also had a clear discharge and once I voided my bladder, the pain was intense for the next few hours. I went in to have a complete blood panel done (chem 14) because other complications were arising and I felt absolutely terrible. My doctor placed me on SMZ/TMP DS-800-160 (Bactrim DS) while we waited for the results to come back from the lab and the next available opening to get back in to see him. I took the antibiotic for almost a week and it did absolutely NOTHING, but give me headaches and my already sweating issues to increase. No relief from bladder or urethral pain whatsoever. I was finally given an oppointment this past Friday to review over the complete lab results which to my surprise showed all areas to be well within normal range?? I have read that this is somewhat of a normal occurrence and that waves can occur from the benzo withdrawl(s) causing many, many different "false" symptoms. The brain isn't sending correct signals throughout the body and thus many regulated areas of ones body can experience crazy side effects. I have been aware of this since I began my detox, but I was completely blown away by how intense and unbelievably painful a wave can be!! I was exercising and eating very well. Ridding my road bike, feeling stronger every day and resting better. Like I mentioned, I believed I was mending well. On a side note though, I can say that the blurred vision and "cog fog" issues have been a struggle since day one and very uncomfortable with very little healing or relief? Back to the Supposed urinary issue - the pain seems to be finally subsiding an i have taken Tylenol along with AZO Standard to help with burning and things down there seem to be returning to a somewhat normal state. This possible "wave" is and has been very taxing on me and caused uncontrollable anxiety and depression. My Doctor says that my body is releasing toxic chemicals because of my incredibly high state of stress and anxiety. Let me close with saying that another very strange symptom is a continuous "chemical smell" that invades my nose regularly every 20-30 minutes?? I mean a serious chemical, toxic smell. Like a histamine smell if that sounds possible?? In closing, I'll just say that the antibiotic did nothing and actually made me feel worse. In the past I was always able to tolerate ANY antibiotic with little to no ill effect(s). Going to post this on the general symptoms forum as well with added symptoms I am experiencing.
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i took bactrim at about 8 months benzo free.  it was a 3 day prescription and yes my symptoms worsened a lot.  after about 2 hours of taking the pill my anxiety sky rocketed and i became very panicky and irritable.  sure enough, i looked up case studies/side effects.  it seems it can have a major impact on the CNS and it even stated those most likely to be affected are those going through drug withdrawals such as alcohol or benzodiazepines.


i suffered through those three days and once the med was out of my system, those symptoms all went away.  but i think it's best for those in withdrawal to take amoxycillin instead.


also, i often had what felt like a UTI in withdrawal but tests revealed no infection.  this has lessened a great deal as i continue healing.  just thought i'd throw that out there for other women.  there may be some connection between anxiety/urethral spasm/pain or maybe there are gaba receptors in the urethra, too. 

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I am 14 months out CT klonopin and thought I was healed for the last month until I did a three week script of Bactrim DS for a prostate infection. For the last two weeks, almost all of my old symptoms are running rampant, especially the muscle related ones.
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