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My anxiety and depression have crossed limits.

I had it pre benzos, but I don't remember the intensity as it's been so long.

I don't know what to expect from healing... I think I have reached the end of my life.

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I started to see significant improvements at 14 months.


As time goes by, everything gets better.


Distraction and movement help.

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Yes, in month 27 due to Covid I entered what I thought was an intense wave, then after a week I recovered, but when I returned to work I realized that my nervous system was hyperactive and some different symptoms, then I had  post viral fatigue in month 30 when I saw that I was not getting better I got vaccinated and the symptoms became quite a setback due to the physical symptoms (burning, burning nerves, blurred vision, problems with what I eat, not being able to do intense exercise) stomach problems, mental fog and some more.


I have slowly been improving. I no longer have mental fog, nor do I have problems with language. I walk 6 km a day, I have returned to do some social life and I enjoy it.


I still have to improve and I continue to do medical tests.


What if I tell you is that you will improve and that if it had not been for Covid, it is likely that I would have already written a success story.


When you start to feel better, you will see that what now seems impossible to overcome is what will make you stronger.

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