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Does this mean I’m going mentally ill?


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I’d like to describe few of the mental symptoms im going thru right now, every morning when I wake up I have the worst impending doom thinking something really bad it’s about to happen if not now maybe in the future, I get suicidal ideation, I start sweating and shaking my arms, my heart pounds, if I stay longer on bed, I start getting imaginary conversations.. not hearing voice but more like a noisy brain, as if my spouse was asking me something or trying to talk to me when in reality he’s not even there or not even talking. I have severe depression… along with very severe ptsd from traumatic life events with family.

All I think about 24/7 is benzos or disappointment in myself for taking multiple psych drugs.

Do you think someone that was perfectly fine just with mild anxiety can go insane from taking psy drugs starting at 24 yo.


My therapist is not helping with acceptance. She advised me to go to a psychiatric hospital.


Mid April: Taking Lexapro 15mg, gabapentin 100mg.

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I took this drug for 30 years. All these symptoms came when I did Ct at a facility. They were brutal for 17 mos. I’m getting better now. The last thing that I’m dealing with is feeling very shaky and weak at times then it passes. I’ve been in the worst of the worst but you are not going insane. It feels kkke it but when it gets better it Just goes away like it never happened. Hard to imagine but it does



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You're going to be just fine. If the depression is really bad, I don't think there's anything wrong with using AD's. Just remember it can take quite a while for the AD's to start taking effect and finding the right dose. These imaginary conversations - you know they're imaginary - so nothing wrong with that. It would only be a problem if you thought they were real.


I talk to myself all day. I have lots of imaginary conversations all the time with lots of different people. I play out in my mind how I would react in certain situations and how conversations would go. I have done this since I was a teenager and before I ever took any pills. I don't think I'm mentally ill, nobody in my family thinks I'm mentally ill.


I don't think these drugs will make you go insane, you are going through normal withdrawal symptoms. It sucks, but you need to give it time and believe there will be better days ahead. And I don't agree with your psychiatrist, you don't need a psychiatric hospital.

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This is so strange because I have been kind of half awake half asleep after I’ve waken up and I have thought I have had conversations with others when they weren’t there. I’ll be three months out after cold-turkey on 3/23/18 off of 3mg for about 3 yrs and 7 months. It’s really bizarre. Don’t worry about it. These meds will make you think you’re going crazy. It feels like it’s almost as if the benzos want you to think that. It messes with every fiber of your being and all your senses. I’ve had some weird occurrences. This isn’t the first time I’ve gotten off of benzos. It’s just awful. Don’t beat yourself up for taking psych meds. I do the same thing because I feel they’ve taken so much from me. Also, do whatever you need to do to get through this tough time. Getting off of benzos is extremely tough and you don’t want to go back on this stuff ever again. You’re still so young. Set yourself up for success! Best wishes!
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Thank you everyone for the replies.

I’m very anxious, anxiety that I had never had before.. and depression. Everyday is a challenge.

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