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Healed paranoia?


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Wondering if anyone has healed from severe paranoia and how long it took. At 13 months out, my son has paranoia and OCD that control every aspect of his life.
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Hello Dragonfly88. .  There was a period of time in withdrawal where I became paranoid, It happens to many of us.  It was something that I had never experienced before, and it was extremely scary.  Benzos have a way of filling our minds with negative thoughts, and tricking us into believing that whatever we are thinking about, will turn into a worst-case scenario.  We can have a heightened sensitivity to  many things in benzo withdrawal, sight, sound and the same goes for our thoughts, they can become much more intense and disturbing. 


I had a myriad of symptoms at 13 months, and just a few lingering ones left at 18 months. A few months can make such a deference.  Tell him to hang in there, remind him that this is temporary, let him know he will come through this with more time.


It must be tough for you too, sometimes feeling helpless, your son will get better, and just by being there supporting your son, your doing a great job


Magrita :smitten:


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Magrita, my son was encouraged to hear you felt such a difference between 13 and 18 months, and that you could relate to the paranoia and sensory overload. Thank you for your reply.
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