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Temperature dysregulation


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At times I am freezing and can't get warm, I will usually get really afraid since it's so uncomfortable to be freezing, the reverse also happens and I can start sweating within seconds at night. I know the benzo and ssri effect the brain but wa wondering if anyone else has this? Sometimes my lips show that I'm cold , it's pretty scary. I have been diagnosed with some seronegative autoimmune,  which is kind of laughable because of course it's something that can't be proved just like everything else. I'm so exhausted, my brain is never me, it's just this super senile and negative scary person, no idea who she is. Sometimes writing it out helps, I feel sick alot, like this I'll feeling that plagues me, inner agitation which is the a word right? I hate the word after seeing it so many times.  Just ranting
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Yes, I feel it, hence the name. It's almost 80 here but I have fleece draped over me, but nothing on my feet yet because I started sweating and had to take off my socks. Some days are worse than others.


Yep, just so tired of it all. I've got you. The inner agitation that doesn't respond well to reason! I find it unbearable.


Little by little things are getting better. I do have windows now. They're dirty windows, but hey, improvement is improvement!!


Rant away!!  :thumbsup:

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