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How does glutamate storm/excitotoxicity feels?


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I think I might have hit tolerance.


With little stimuli with screens or digital stuff in general it feels like the right temple area of the brain is burning like overheating, and after this it feels like a bruised burnt for some time.


I now wonder if that is glutamate storm because magnesium and benzos do get rid of the sensation if taken before you get overexposed. Sometimes get rid even after.


How exactly does glutamate storm feels? I couldn't find much about the symptoms while googling.

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It feels somewhat like walking into an electric fence, like electricity is shooting in all directions all over your body. For me, anyway, that's what it feels like. And you are over-excited and completely overwhelmed.
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It feels somewhat like walking into an electric fence, like electricity is shooting in all directions all over your body. For me, anyway, that's what it feels like. And you are over-excited and completely overwhelmed.


How does it happened to you? I hope you are fine. I wonder if there are different degrees of it.

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Going thru this Benzo hyper-sensitivity I became allergic to a lot of things. I couldn't eat dairy, wheat or soy, without a glutamate storm. Caffeine, sugar, and anything psychoactive would send me into a tailspin. Black pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, tumeric, green tea, passionflower, are all psychoactive, and would send me into glutamate hyper-excitology.
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It feels somewhat like walking into an electric fence, like electricity is shooting in all directions all over your body.


That. ↑↑↑↑ I felt like I was stuck on an electric cow fence (i sometimes accidently contacted them as a kid, shocking!  :o ), or plugged into a socket, and can't unplug myself. I'd also have more GI issues, despite eating a low-acid, low histamine, diet. Every symptom would just be worse. More headaches, hyperacusis, tinnitus, etc. Your body feels like it's in overdrive, your brain feels like it's been overclocked like a computer, your insides feel like a wound up spring. Bleh.  :sick:


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