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How do I handle anxiety?


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For many months now, my anxiety has been severe much of the time. What do I do??? Life is very hard.thx.
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Hi Bulldog,


Living with anxiety can be so debilitating at times. I can really appreciate and empathize with what you're sharing, as I've been in a pretty regular state of anxiety, not only during my taper but for a long period of my life. I have a few suggestions that you may have already tried... but these are the things that work for me when I consistently implement them.


- Eliminating all caffeine (sounds obvious but with benzo tapers - little things add up to big things.) If you can eliminate refined sugar that might help also.


-Therapy/counseling has been important for me; getting a third party who can listen and provide empathy and compassion.


-Sunshine < may sound silly but over just the last few days, I'm finding that getting out in the sun, has REALLY helped my anxiety big time.


-Other things include, giving back to others, volunteering, things to look forward to, to-do lists, and routine - these have helped me more than anything.


I've learned that anxiety for me (might look different for you); is often my mind telling me 'stories' about the unknown. Most of these stories are 'untrue' but I run with these stories sometimes. If I can have a routine and have some 'control' of the outcome of things... this helps curb some of the physical symptoms we experience when going through WD.


I hope some of this helps. Thinking of you.

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-Tried to adentify your triggers

-Don't avoid them. Even welcome them!


-Avoid stress as much as you can.

-Exercise. A must if you can. Just walk can do it.

-Healthy diet

-Reduce coffee and colas. Take decaf if you like it a lot.


-Belly breathing 

-And last but not least.Don't get anxious when you do this things! ;)

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