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chills and sweats at the same time?


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I've had this before but recently it's hit like an actual bus, and it comes along with stomach issues like needing the bathroom and feeling nauseous, and otherwise flulike all over. So it's hard figuring out if I have some sort of virus or if it's really just withdrawal.


I'm 2 weeks out from jumping.


I know this is something many might be thinking " hey it's definitely the w/d!" but my main reason for having to get on klonopin in the first place was really bad emetophobia ( fear of being sick to stomach) and so it's extra hard for me to calm down. (Hoping with healing, I'll be able to cope better).


I also had food allergies and intolerances before, developed even more during taper, and so it could be something like that I'm thinking.


The sweats and chills are at the same time, the hot flashes are like a flushing that goes up my torso, face and ears, but I'm shivering at the same time like that kind that your teeth chatter and you kind of have to curl up tight and just let it happen.  Anyways wanted to find out if anyone has had the same?


thanks guys

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I've had this before but recently it's hit like an actual bus, and it comes along with stomach issues like needing the bathroom and feeling nauseous, and otherwise flulike all over. So it's hard figuring out if I have some sort of virus or if it's really just withdrawal.


I'm 2 weeks out from jumping.


I know this is something many might be thinking " hey it's definitely the w/d!" but my main reason for having to get on klonopin in the first place was really bad emetophobia ( fear of being sick to stomach) and so it's extra hard for me to calm down. (Hoping with healing, I'll be able to cope better).


I also had food allergies and intolerances before, developed even more during taper, and so it could be something like that I'm thinking.


The sweats and chills are at the same time, the hot flashes are like a flushing that goes up my torso, face and ears, but I'm shivering at the same time like that kind that your teeth chatter and you kind of have to curl up tight and just let it happen.  Anyways wanted to find out if anyone has had the same?


thanks guys


Hi Lotus,


I'm so sorry you're getting slameed with these symptoms. I know they are so uncomfortable, painful and relentless.

Your symptoms are consistent with benzo withdrawl. I imagine there might be part of you hoping that nausea won't be a symptom? One of my symptoms each time when cutting is getting sick. The nausea comes out of nowhere and I start sweating and also become SO cold - freezing cold. It's part of the process. Although everyone is different, this shouldn't last too long.... Keep breathing deeply.


How long have you been experiencing the nausea?  When was your last cut? And how much did you reduce?


Your body is trying to find homeostasis right now. And it will... it will take time. Hang in there. You're so close!


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