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Really struggling with extreme health anxiety - Please help


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Hello All - I recently discontinued klonopin after 3 years of daily use (2mg). I concluded an 8 week taper 4/31/23. I am convinced I have coronary artery disease. I'm young (36) and in good shape, but have lived a very stressful life and my grandfather died of heart disease relatively early. I also put a ton of undue stress on my heart via partying - so please hear me out. Two weeks after my final dose, I began experiencing extreme fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, intense pressure in between my eyes, and a near constant headache. A week later my resting heart rate increased by over 15 BPM (constant), blood pressure began fluctuating a ton (prior this, even during the taper, I was sitting at a steady 60bpm and bp 117/75). Most alarming - anytime I attempt to work out at a moderate to high pace my heart starts beating like it's going to jump out of my chest and doesn't settle for quite some time. Two weeks ago my jaw (adjacent to my ear) has been experiencing a pressure/tension feeling almost constantly and seems to get worse when lying down or leaning forward. Ive also noticed my heart beating at varying intensities (sometimes I can hardly feel my own pulse - then we beat hard for several clicks - then back to faint). Also been experiencing a burning sensation near my heart/lower rib cage - hard to tell if its my gut or cardiac related. My hands will also become cold for no apparently reason and stay cold for hours. I now constantly obsess over my heart stopping. I'm unable to get decent sleep most nights due to my fear of cardiac arrest. I've been to the ER several times - EKG came back normal each time. I feel that once these docs see my diagnosis of Anxiety and Panic they don't give me an objective exam. I feel like nobody is listening and it's equal parts terrifying and infuriating. I was told to see a cardiologist by my primary care doc, but the earliest available appointment for a stress test/echo is nearly a month out. I also just recent received my blood work and was shocked to see my LDL at 150 and HDL at 40/ triglycerides right near 100. I'm convinced I'm going to drop dead before getting any answers from my docs and the anxiety is becoming borderline unbearable. Not sure how to handle this situation - it's driving me nuts. 
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Hi Fug,


I'm sorry to hear of your struggles. When you have this epigastric pain, does it change when you change position? How long does it usually last?


I believe that withdrawals can cause an increase in resting HR. You work out and have the increased heart rate -- any chest pain that comes along with it? Is this a strength or cardio workout?


During your stress test, they'll stress your heart and assess for any chest pain, vital sign changes, and your ECG and echo. If you're doing cardio workouts without any chest pain, the probability is that there's not much a concern. But good that you have it scheduled. Sometimes, peace of mind is worth it.


During withdrawals I've had problems with chest pain. Working at a hospital, I've had co-workers do ECGs on me and they were constantly negative. I'm 41.

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Thank you for the quick response. There isn't much check pain - just feels as if the heart is working double time (palpitations - the whole 9). Happens during both strength training (heavy lifting) and cardio. Epigastric pain is worse when sitting/ better when standing. The length of time varies - sometimes is bothers me all day, other times not at all. The jaw pain is really concerning me - Ive never experienced anything like it. I comes and goes and is more of a pressure/strain feeling.
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Hello All - I recently discontinued klonopin after 3 years of daily use (2mg). I concluded an 8 week taper 4/31/23. I am convinced I have coronary artery disease. I'm young (36) and in good shape, but have lived a very stressful life and my grandfather died of heart disease relatively early. I also put a ton of undue stress on my heart via partying - so please hear me out. Two weeks after my final dose, I began experiencing extreme fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, intense pressure in between my eyes, and a near constant headache. A week later my resting heart rate increased by over 15 BPM (constant), blood pressure began fluctuating a ton (prior this, even during the taper, I was sitting at a steady 60bpm and bp 117/75). Most alarming - anytime I attempt to work out at a moderate to high pace my heart starts beating like it's going to jump out of my chest and doesn't settle for quite some time. Two weeks ago my jaw (adjacent to my ear) has been experiencing a pressure/tension feeling almost constantly and seems to get worse when lying down or leaning forward. Ive also noticed my heart beating at varying intensities (sometimes I can hardly feel my own pulse - then we beat hard for several clicks - then back to faint). Also been experiencing a burning sensation near my heart/lower rib cage - hard to tell if its my gut or cardiac related. My hands will also become cold for no apparently reason and stay cold for hours. I now constantly obsess over my heart stopping. I'm unable to get decent sleep most nights due to my fear of cardiac arrest. I've been to the ER several times - EKG came back normal each time. I feel that once these docs see my diagnosis of Anxiety and Panic they don't give me an objective exam. I feel like nobody is listening and it's equal parts terrifying and infuriating. I was told to see a cardiologist by my primary care doc, but the earliest available appointment for a stress test/echo is nearly a month out. I also just recent received my blood work and was shocked to see my LDL at 150 and HDL at 40/ triglycerides right near 100. I'm convinced I'm going to drop dead before getting any answers from my docs and the anxiety is becoming borderline unbearable. Not sure how to handle this situation - it's driving me nuts.


I had jaw pain for six months straight. It felt like my face was going to pop off. I went to the ER maybe three times because of the pain. Then another two times due to heart concerns.


The jaw pain went away. It is pretty typical. The heart issues greatly improved. I still have some tachycardia here and there but it is due to another medication I am tapering. Now I just let it pass and don't bust out the HR monitor like I once did. I have much bigger problems now like akathisia. If your tests are normal, I would not worry about it.


Extra anxiety is very common during withdrawal as well as looping thoughts about things. Overall, I know your symptoms are distressing, but I also trust that they will resolve without further incident given the fact that your tests are fine. I hear you about ER doctors and anxiety -- there is such bias it can be traumatizing. I hope those that give it get a taste of their own medicine no pun intended.


Also, benzos can mess with blood levels. So can AD's. It is quite common. I would maybe get those taken in another six months.

The coldness in hands is just a nervous system issue. I had it in my toes for a while. It will go.


Nursing Buddy is a professional in the field so...they know...but do what you have to do for ultimate peace of mind.


You are not even one month off of use. You are actually doing great for such a short time as hard as that might be to believe. The fact that you can even workout is a good sign.

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You are not even one month off of use. You are actually doing great for such a short time as hard as that might be to believe. The fact that you can even workout is a good sign.


My last workout attempt was a big failure. The balance problems were so bad that kettlebell swings would make me fall down. The shortness of breath would keep me from doing much anyway. The chest pains I would have never started or got worse with activity, which is generally a sign that it's not heart related. Despite that -- I always expected to have a heart attack and die over. Still here, though.


Many of these symptoms are disastrous to us in so many ways but your chest pain does seem to fit the mold of what we can experience. It's always best for you to do what you need to do for your own peace of mind, though.

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