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Dystonia z drug zopiclone


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I got severe dystonia, accute akathasia  and other muscle issues thanks to a med called zopiclone.

I was for 15 months in horrorhell delirium and seizures peed in my pants shitted in my pants and all that. So sick I lost my child.

She is back now but she is back with a , I am not negatieve here, lifelong disabled mom.


All muscles contract and some of them violently,

I can never ride a bike or hike anymore.

I can also never reinstate . I am 6 months off after use of total 1 year ( including taper)


I don’t know why this happened to me I do know I had some issues with my health previously that has to do with oxalate issues resulting in chest pain.

But beside that not much.


I write this message to warn people and ofcourse I hope someone chimes in to tell me even severe dystonia can heal.


My dystonia is lessened sith the twisting and turning but I have no control over them.

I couldn’t even go swimming, o would literally drown.


Beside that I still have mild akathasia

Horrorhell in the morning mentally until like 4 pm then the mental part leaves.

I can’t walk anymore cause I have ataxic gait.


My body is burning inside as of acid is thrown into my lungs.

I have one hope left and that’s DBS surgery.


I feel like I am being covered sith cement daily and I have pressure in my body everywhere.

As if I explode. Also it feels like I am being under a vise many hours of the day

Please be careful what you do


Never take drugs.

Its dangerous

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I wanted to be the person to chime in to say yes, it can heal. I hope that others chime in as well. Please do not lose hope as you are early into the healing process as much as six months feels like an eternity. (I know this from my experience of being eight months in and having a really rough go.)


Angie Peacock might be of service to you during this time. Have you spoken with her? She speaks with clients in different stages of withdrawal and recovery, on many different types of psych meds including sleep meds. (Or people who have detoxed from them.) She has a crazy story of healing. She was put on and off of 50 psych drugs in thirteen years. CTd off of 10, tapered 8, two benzos last and then s**t hit the fan in all kinds of ways for her. She came out of it to help others.




Also, Baylissa Frederick (psychotherapist, and coach) was put on benzos for dystonia she had from birth I believe. She came off and it got worse and she healed. She also does sessions with people in withdrawal/healing.




Much love to you, Mascha. I imagine a circle of healing buddies surrounding you right now. We love you and want you to feel supported. (I am speaking on behalf of everyone, I hope you all do not mind.)

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Thank you Rebecca

I have the dystonia for more than 1,5 year now.

I am so afraid…

Thanks for your sweet Words.

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