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DR appointment Thursday. Seeking advice.


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Hi everyone,


I have an appointment with my pdoc on Thursday. It will be the first time I see him since he cut my Clonazepam dose by 50% in May of 2022 and I'm really reeeally nervous. The taper "plan" we talked about was extremely vague and, from my understanding now, way too fast. Needless to say, I didn't stick to it. Does anyone have advice on how to advocate for one's self? How do I explain to him that I'm managing my own taper? It's been no cakewalk and from the symptoms I've already felt, I know that I will be in severe pain if he makes me go CT or finish the last 25% of my taper too rapidly. I've only emailed with him a few times and can tell he is not benzo-wise by his replies and suggestions.


I feel like I'm toeing a line here. I don't want him to take away my prescription. I've come so far and I'm really proud of my progress but I'm also extremely sensitive and fear he will treat me like an addict. I've taken the Clonazepam as prescribed since he put me on it in 2010. I'm in my mid 30s and worried about being gaslit further. I'm also in the midst of advancing my career and need to remain functional because I have to work a lot. I support myself and don't have the option not to. I'm prepared to continue my way through the storm but I want to do it properly and safely.


Does anyone know of like an Ashton Manuel CliffsNotes lol? I'm too intimidated to bring 100 printed out pages to his office to educate him on BW.


Any advice or encouragement would be so helpful. I'm doing everything I can with what I have and I don't have a ton of a support. I'm saving my pill shavings and have probably a month's worth. There have been so many stories recently from people being ripped off these drugs due to demand and physicians not wanting to prescribe them anymore. I've been trying to resolve my mental health issues for years and now I finally understand what I need to do to feel better. I've come too far to end up on the CT board :(


Thanks for reading. Hugs.

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Bring the shorter version of Benzodiazepine Information Coalition on tapering. It's 3 pages on their website. Good luck!
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Thanks Coco, just printed it. You've been heavy on my mind. I see you're struggling at the moment and I'm sorry I haven't been around to offer much support these days while I'm trying to keep myself above water. This looming appointment has been a heavy weight on my mind. Hang in there, talk soon xo
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You're sweet, Fiona! Good luck! I have some hospitam visits this week too, no fun. Let's update each other after  :)
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You can also show him the FDA black box warning about withdrawal reactions if you are in the US.
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cocodot - something to look forward too! xo


rebecca - thank you! that's helpful.



Now, just hoping my nerves stay in check and I don't fumble over all my words!

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