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5 weeks off of lorazepam


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Hi, I was prescribed.5 mg lorazepam. Nobody told me not to take it every day which I did. Wasn’t long before I was dependent. I soon realized my mistake and stopped after 9 weeks. Was that too high a dose to quit from? Coming up to 6 weeks withdrawal. Still difficult, how much longer before I might feel normal?
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Hello traist welcome to BenzoBuddies,


It sounds like you quit cold turkey, I’m sorry you’re still suffering but it can take awhile to recover from these medications.  Your brain is working hard at restoring your GABBA receptors to their normal function but it takes time.


Even if you had tapered you’d still be experiencing unpleasant symptoms so some things you can do at this point will be to try to stay positive, distract yourself from your symptoms and avoid stress.  Educating yourself about what’s happened will help too, fear is a huge component of this process, our brain seems to only be able to focus on the negative.


I’ll provide some links to help you get started but I’m sorry I can’t tell you how long you’re going to suffer.  We’ve seen on average those who have taken the drug for a short time recover in weeks and months, unlike those who took it for years who recover between the 1-2 year mark.  As you can see, these medications are horrific for some of us.


Please let us know what we can do to help you, we understand how miserable this is.




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