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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Im Eileen and new to the forum.  Have I posted to the right place???


Iv been taking the z drugs, zolpidem and zopiclone for up the 5 years.  Stopped Cold turkey.  Reinstated on valium 2 months after last pill.  This made matters worse.  Off all substances for 3 months.  Severe withdrawl symptoms.  Does anyone know how long it takes.  Finding things very difficult. 





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Welcome Eileenmarie,


You have posted in the right place. I am sorry you are having to suffer with w/d. There are many people here that have experienced what you are going through. What symptoms are you currently having?  I am not familar with the drugs you have been taking but someone should be along to help you out with your questions and concerns.


Hang in there!


T2  :smitten:

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Hi Eileenmarie,


I have researched the z drugs that you were prescribed, and they do act the same as a benzo drugs as far as w/d symptoms. A crossover to valium is recommended, but your crossover was probably too late being that 2 months had already passed. As I mentioned, someone should be by to help you with your questions.


Hang in there!

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Just wanted to welcome you...before I have to run.  You have posted in the right place...and you are not alone.  We are here to help any way we can.  WELCOME!





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Thanks for your welcome.  I was taking zopiclone and zolpidem for 5 years approx.  I also mixed them with alcohol which prob have made the symptoms worse.  I was unaware of the dangers, because I felt that z drugs were not benzos, how wrong I was, they are every bit as bad as benzos. 


Ya I have been suffering severe withdrawl now for a very long time.  I took the last z drug in august 2007.  Started to have severe withdrawl symptoms when I stopped c/t.  Even before I stopped the drugs I developed a tollerance, but at the time I thought there was something bad wrong with me physiclly.  I went to my gp and she diagnosed me with agitated depression.  I took anti-depressent mirtazepine 15mgs for 2 months but they had no effect.  I was suffering severely at this point and could not even get out of bed.  I didnt know what was wrong with me.  I went to another gp after 2 months and reinstated too late on Diazepam.  This had no effect at all, and I was as bad as ever when I came off them.  So as you can see, I have been through hell for quite some time.  I am slightly improved, but there are days I dispear. I cant do very much, everything is difficult.  I do go to work, but I am finding it so difficult to put on a face.  I cry every morning.  I hope things will get better soon.  I know it takes time and I am just hanging in there. 


My symptoms are severe anxiety,

                        breathing problems

                        insomnia (getting better)

                        Horrible pulsating waves all over my body 24 hours a day

                        Very irritable and even rage type of feelings for no reason at all

                        Empty reaching in the mornings

                        Lack of energy and fatigue,


                        Elictric shock sensations

                        Tingling and numblike sensations

                        Shooting pain up my arms


      Awful. I cant believe im not  better by now.  Why does it take so long.????  How long does it take????  Im 3 months off all substances

      Would appreciate some support.  I have read the ashton manual


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Hi Eileenmarie,


As stated there are several people here that have experienced w/d like you have. They will stop by to offer you advice when they check in. I would recommend that you avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol during this withdrawal period as this can make symptoms worse. Drinking chamomile tea seems to ease my jitters somewhat. I have also used Calms Forte by Hylands, an OTC sleep aid made with natural ingredients for calming the anxiety. It is not recommended to take it too often as it loses its effectiveness. There are numerous links here that may help with your other symptoms. Please feel free to explore the forum and hang in there!



T2 :smitten:

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Just wanted to stop by and say welcome! Sorry your having a difficult time but most do when they ct. Nobody know's for sure when you'll feel better but you WILL at some point. Hopefully very soon. It wont last forever, just remember that.

So hello and welcome. Hope you feel better soon!


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Thanks for your welcome.  I was taking zopiclone and zolpidem for 5 years approx.  I also mixed them with alcohol which prob have made the symptoms worse.  I was unaware of the dangers, because I felt that z drugs were not benzos, how wrong I was, they are every bit as bad as benzos. 


Ya I have been suffering severe withdrawl now for a very long time.  I took the last z drug in august 2007.  Started to have severe withdrawl symptoms when I stopped c/t.  Even before I stopped the drugs I developed a tollerance, but at the time I thought there was something bad wrong with me physiclly.  I went to my gp and she diagnosed me with agitated depression.   I took anti-depressent mirtazepine 15mgs for 2 months but they had no effect.  I was suffering severely at this point and could not even get out of bed.  I didnt know what was wrong with me.  I went to another gp after 2 months and reinstated too late on Diazepam.  This had no effect at all, and I was as bad as ever when I came off them.  So as you can see, I have been through hell for quite some time.  I am slightly improved, but there are days I dispear. I cant do very much, everything is difficult.  I do go to work, but I am finding it so difficult to put on a face.  I cry every morning.  I hope things will get better soon.  I know it takes time and I am just hanging in there. 


My symptoms are severe anxiety,

                        breathing problems

                        insomnia (getting better)

                        Horrible pulsating waves all over my body 24 hours a day

                        Very irritable and even rage type of feelings for no reason at all

                        Empty reaching in the mornings

                        Lack of energy and fatigue,


                        Elictric shock sensations

                        Tingling and numblike sensations

                        Shooting pain up my arms


       Awful. I cant believe im not  better by now.  Why does it take so long.????  How long does it take????  Im 3 months off all substances

       Would appreciate some support.  I have read the ashton manual



Hi Eileenmarie,


I'm so sorry you are going through this, it is truly a horrible experience.  All the symptoms you are experiencing is wd.  You have been off three months now, I think you will be seeing some signs of improvement soon.  Very slowly but some improvement.  That is when I started noticing things letting up.  I'm now almost 6 months off a cold turkey, which is what you did, and things are much, much better.


Watch your diet very closely. Refined sugar, caffeine, processed foods, any kind of vit. supplement, antihistamine, ibuprofen --they all make symptoms worse.  It's a long list of "don'ts" but make life much easier, and anything is better than wd symptoms. 


Hang in there, it will get better.


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Thanks for your support.  Iv never experienced anything like it



Do the symptoms go away fully?????

ie will we all fully recover?????.

eg. My memory is very bad, what if id didnt come back properly????l

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My memory slowly improved after I finshed my taper. many people find their memory much improved even during their taper (when they reach a lower dose). Just give it time. ;)
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Hi Eileenmarie,


You will find improvement over time. Your body needs time to heal fully after the sudden stopping of these mind changing drugs. Everyone is different, so no one can predict how long it will take for you to fully heal. Other recommendations are to exercise, eat foods high in protein, do brain exercises, calm your emotions (this increases your w/d symptoms). Read through the sub boards concerning insomnia, anxiety, etc. to learn about other ideas to decrease your w/d symptoms.


Hang in there, it will get better! :smitten:

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My memory slowly improved after I finshed my taper. many people find their memory much improved even during their taper (when they reach a lower dose). Just give it time. ;)


I'm seeing improvements but recalling new information to mind when I need it is just as bad as ever. Hope that gets better soon.



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What about chineze herbs.  Does anyone know can they help in withdrawl??????  Symptoms a slight bit better, I think, but hard to know.....Very slow....Painfully slow.............. Should things be a bit better by the summer does anyone think......  Very tearful today... Is that part of it also? 
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What about chineze herbs.  Does anyone know can they help in withdrawl??????  Symptoms a slight bit better, I think, but hard to know.....Very slow....Painfully slow.............. Should things be a bit better by the summer does anyone think......  Very tearful today... Is that part of it also? 


Tearfulness was one of my main symptoms!

Listen, as slow as it seems, you are healing.

As for the herbs, I don't know much, but ampersand knows a little. He thought they might help my insomnia, though I never did try them. You might want to post him a question on his blog.


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Hi Eileen,


I'm new here too but I just wanted to say hello and to welcome you.  I get several of your symptoms.

It is hard but I try to remember that this is the drugs fighting my system because they don't want to leave my body.

I've seen several others here that have the same things as you so hang in there. 

Being in a place like this helps so much!


Love to you,

E. :):smitten:

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What about chineze herbs.  Does anyone know can they help in withdrawl??????  Symptoms a slight bit better, I think, but hard to know.....Very slow....Painfully slow.............. Should things be a bit better by the summer does anyone think......  Very tearful today... Is that part of it also? 


Hi Eileen,


I've tried some chinese herbs, I don't know the names of them, and I honestly don't think they helped, and in fact made things worse.  There is so much that would normally help but this withdrawal is a different thing all together. 


Tears are very common among all of us.  Emotions blunted by the drugs are coming to surface and I think, personally, that we sometimes grieve for what we have lost and what we are going through.  It's enough to make the toughest cry.

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Thanks so much Esther, tropical soul, eljay.


It is fairly tough, it s good to know we are not alone.  was working today, 2 hours sleep last night.  I feel as if my whole body has been pulled through a bush backwards.  I do hope things start to improve soon.  Im hanging in there as best I can.  When do peole start to see an improvement.  I know that everyones different, but in general.  I know that is a difficult question. 

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That is a pretty good description! :)  One day at a time, for all of us.  We may destroy a lot of bushes :laugh:


Hold on and keep moving forward,



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Hi Eileen,


Everyone is different and on different drugs but I ct off klonopoin and had horrible wd.  I started seeing an improvement at about 3 months out.  It's still has been a long road but I'm much better than I was and I'm 6 1/2 months out now.  I have some pretty good days and then some really hard ones.  But some of that might have to do with everyday life, don't you think?


Everyday I want this to be over, pray for it to be over for all of us,  and one day it will.  Keep your hope and look forward to tomorrow.




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Thank you easter and tropical soal. 


It will get better I know.  Thanks for your support.  On wards and upwards

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That a girl!  But, be careful of upward, might run into a few trees instead of bushes :2funny:


E. :smitten:


I know it's not easy.

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Thank you easter and tropical soal. 


It will get better I know.  Thanks for your support.  On wards and upwards


That's the spirit! :thumbsup:



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Just checking in to see how you are today.  I'm in buddyspace but I'll keep checking back here.


Hope you are OK,


E. :)

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Thanks Esther and Tony,


You are very good to make contact.  I not as bad as I was.  I think I might be turning a corner, but im afraid to say it.  Im not as breathless, anxiety slightly less, shakes not as bad.  Insomnia still very bad.  Pulse or wave like feelings throughout my body is still bad, but not as strong.  The last symptom is strange, has anyone felt that one????  Im so wrecked.  Wish I could sleep for a week, but two anxious or something.  Drinking camomile tea, hoping to ease the feelings a bit.  Decided not to take herbs.  Let my body heal naturally......

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Herbs-probably a good idea for now.  I've never had the wave feeling but I'm sure someone has.  These drugs effect us all so differently.


Really glad that you are a little better, leveling off some.


Keep in tough OK,


E. :)

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