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Xanax Taper.. Close to jump point but losing hope


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Hi everyone. I was prescribed Xanax for CPTSD/Panic Disorder/OCD and it was interfering with my ability to finish my degree and student teach during the pandemic. Everything became too much to manage and it was advised for me to take it daily. I can't believe to say that I have been tapering almost 2 years now. I have drawn this out so long but it has been hard.


My most recent cut has been the hardest. Prior to the last cut I was taking a half of a .25 mg pill 3 times a day. I am down to a half of a .25mg pill twice a day, and about 1/4 of a .25mg once a day.


Its been a week and I haven't fully stabilized. I am afraid I will never stabilize enough to make another cut. I either feel completely numb and disassociated or so over stimulated and panicky that I need to curl up in a ball. Some parts of the day are manageable but I don't feel right. Sleeping has been okay. I guess it could be worse. But going days with it being mild-moderately unmanageable feels torturous. I know it gets harder the lower you go but I am losing hope that I will be able to get off of this now that my WD are feeling like this. I had a panic attack yesterday and took a rescue dose. I am just overall feeling defeated.


I have been cutting down using the Ashton manual method. And it has worked generally so far. I've held at doses for months at a time and I want to just be off of this already but I don't have the hope I need to believe it will get better. I am terrified.

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Hello cerberuschernoby  -  Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


I'm so sorry you're going through such a hard time tapering off Xanax.  As you probably know, tapering can become more challenging as you near the end of your taper.  It's often advisable to slow down toward the end, with smaller cuts and longer holds.  So I'm not surprised that you haven't stabilized a week after you last cut.  You will find a lot of good information here to help you navigate the rest of your taper.  You will also find support from others who understand what this process is like and understand the symptoms and feelings you're experiencing.  The information and support you find here can make a world of difference in getting through this very difficult experience. 


Please explore the site and be sure to post with your questions.  Please reach out for support and let us know how we can help you.  Below are some links you may want to start with.


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Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper Plans)


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Colorado Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidance


Chapter 3 Ashton manual, list of symptoms


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