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14 Months Off- Wave or Setback?


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Hey, all. I’ve been lurking these forums for over a year now and just made an account. In February 2022 I was rapid tapered off of Klonopin over a week’s time after a decade of daily use for an “anxiety disorder” (God, I didn’t know what anxiety was until benzo w/d). I’ve had almost all of the symptoms but my absolute worst was anxiety and panic. I mean it was BRUTAL. Fast forward to about a year off- I still had anxiety but I was making it through! I would even classify it as “normal person” anxiety, if a bit severe. I started a new, amazing relationship at about 11 months off. I started a new, amazing job at 13 months off. I was feeling… great, to be honest. Sure, I had anxiety but i was moving through it. 5 days ago I woke up sweating through my PJs, having horrible stress dreams, and semi-delirious. My throat was also on FIRE. I went to the urgent care where I was swabbed for strep. A nurse took my test and the doctor returned to give me the results. He said it was negative but looked at my throat anyways. Immediately upon beginning the inspection he says, “Oh, yeah, you definitely have strep. These tests have about an 80% accuracy.” So, he prescribed me Keflex… and I took it… and my anxiety went THROUGH THE ROOF. I assumed I was just sick and getting over it so I continued to take the keflex. After 4 doses my sxs were back to the worst of my anxiety days (around 3-6 months off).


I quit taking the keflex, but that was 2 days ago and my anxiety is still INSANE. I had my worst panic attack in 9 months at work and had to go home. I’m so embarrassed and so afraid. I don’t want to lose this amazing job or my new amazing girlfriend. I’m so disheartened- I can honestly say I felt 85 percent healed…


Do y’all think this is just a bad wave from the infection/antibiotics or am I really back to 20%?

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I'm so sorry you experienced a setback, they're fairly common unfortunately.  I can see your fear is working overtime on you, understandable since you're feeling like this but please know this is only a setback and its temporary.  I don't know how long your temporary will last but allowing the fear and anxiety to bloom will keep you feeling terrible so break out the toolbox you used to  survive benzo withdrawal and hunker down into survival mode.


You're going to be okay but part of it is up to you, let your loved ones know what you're dealing with and maybe even talk to your boss about a bad reaction to an antibiotic, people will be more understanding if you don't mention your sensitivity because of benzodiazepine withdrawal.

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I really going with a temporary setback as well :) You got his brother. I had been taking Klonopin 3mg for almost a decade and am currently almost at my 9th month. How you describe how you are doing at 85% makes me have faith that is whats going to happen for me.
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