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Every time I meet with my psychiatrist, he keeps bringing up Depakote, and wants me to try 500mg at bedtime.  I turn it down every time.  He thinks it will help me sleep, help my valium taper, and is also easy to taper in his opinion.  He said I should know within roughly a week if it helps and that lab work is also necessary with medication due to side effects if I were to stay on it.  I have not seen much of any discussion of this medication.  Any personal experience with depakote on the forum within recent years?  I have continuously turned it down when he brings it up, but figured I would ask here.  Sleep is so essential yet elusive to me.  If it helped me sleep, I would take it.
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take in count that every drug become harder after suffering an neurological insult.... specially from benzos, no need for crazy high doses, it won't magically overcome the symptoms bringed by benzodiazepines,....


still izagal, if you're already on it .. just keep on your dose 250 mg isn't it? and keep tapering the benzos, just think about depakote when you're feeling healed enough...


it might in theory aid with neuroinflamattion, neuronal protection and nerve protection...  you're still having a hard time anyway but it's a good measure imo if you're already on it...



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I’ve tried it.  It inhibits some enzyme so that GABA is more plentiful in the brain.  Also works on sodium channel blockers like Lamictal and Trileptal. 


It is fairly calming and will probably help your sleep some.  May help anxiety as well.  However, it does have some bad side effects at higher doses, namely hair loss and it can cause liver issues so people have to get blood tests every three months if they take more than 500mg.


I made the mistake of stopping it cold turkey once and that was awful. But, the good news is I tapered off 250mg in a week without issues. 


Why doesn’t the doc start you off on 125mg and you can see how that goes?  I really don’t think that trying a low dose is going to hurt you.

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Are you presently having a particularly difficult time? Is your quality of life suffering? Many, many in benzo w/d go on Depakote with success. Difficult to taper? Not for everyone.

I would suggest a micro-dose for a week, or a couple of days-IF you’re really struggling right now-and see if it helps.

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