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Clonazepam since 2017 from 2mg to .5mg now


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I always feel sick and tired in the morning and at rest.


On February 14,2023,  I felt my legs were heavy and tired. Then I rested for a week and got worst maybe partly due to cold weather. I was at .25mg Clonazepam with 30mg Cymbalta before sleeping that time when I developed allergies on the 4th week of taking Cymbalta. So I had to stop it. However fatigue has been persistent with chronic fatigue episodes when my shoulder and arms felt really heavy and my legs were shaking. Been to check-ups with bloodworks showing predominantly normal values in the acceptable ranges.


I decided to stop taking clonazepam for 3 days and replaced it with melatonin and boom, I got hypersensitivity to sudden sound and now I have palpitation and tinnitus in my ears as well.


I can observe twitching and had cramps on legs and fingers recently which made me feel so scared and anxious that I have a severe condition.


Are pulsatile tinnitus, cramping on fingers and legs, fatigue, hypersensitivity, fear and being emotional symptoms of clonazepam withdrawal? I'm back at .5mg at bed time but tinnitus seems worst. I can now feel palpitation on ears.

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Hello Efeviar :hug:  Welcome to Benzobuddies, 


We are glad you joined the forum.    The symptoms you have described sound like benzo withdrawal symptoms, sorry you've had a rough time.  Cold turkey can bring on some severe symptoms. Have they eased off any?  Insomnia and anxiety are the most reported symptoms in withdrawal.  We can help you with tapering information and support.  I would wait a little while, stabilise before starting a taper.  When you feel ready to taper,  slow and careful is the best way with these drugs. 


It’s suggested to reduce between 5/10% every 10/14 days. You can slow it down, I would taper at a rate that’s suitable for you, whatever feels comfortable.  You will learn more about tapering if you post to the taper boards.  Please feel free to check out the resources and to post questions. 


A good resource about benzodiazepines is the Ashton Manual, finding the manual was a huge part of me getting well again.  It took away a lot of fear, and helped me to keep going. The Ashton Manual    It’s  great for learning about benzodiazepines and the effects they have on the body, CHAPTER III , reassured me that  the withdrawal symptoms were temporary.


Here a few links to resources:


Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper)

Withdrawal Support (during your taper)

Colorado Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidelines


There is a support blog here dedicated to members who are tapering from klonopin, I will give you a link to it. I'm sure the members there will be happy to assist you with advice.


Klonopin Klub


If you would like to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice.  Go to the top of the page and select PROFILE then choose forum profile then insert drug history into the text box and remember to click change profile


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