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xanax tolerance & ready to taper


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hi everyone! a friend suggested this forum and I am so grateful to find it.

I have been on xanax for years, it was once daily for a few and then the last year and half I was put on twice a day when I was really in a very unmanageable state with my nervous system.

I knew that going into it, once the time came, it would be difficult to come off as I do have experience with regular Ativan use years ago.

BUT, I did not expect to form a tolerance to the xanax and start having withdrawals, like I have been the last few months, though just realized what is going on about a week ago.

I honestly thought I had a bad batch this last round that wasn't really working.

a few months ago I started to notice I was having withdrawal effects between my morning and night dose, I told my psych doc about this (he is ok, but not super helpful all the time).

I had no idea this tolerance thing could happen while still taking it and it has been so brutal and I feel like I am dying.

I know I am not but it is very hard to manage.

I meet with him on Monday to discuss the taper, I am not confident in his support or his knowledge of all of this- but now I am certainly ready to get off this benzo train.

I feel awful and I want to see what life feels like without it.

glad I found this place!


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Hello ThroughTheForest :hug: Welcome to Benzobuddies


I am glad that you joined the community.  You are making a great decision tapering off your Xanax, slow is the way to go.  You will come through this,  we're here to help you any way we can, you'll get plenty of support along the way.  It can be a very challenging time going through withdrawal, tapering slow can help to minimize withdrawal effects.  It is generally recommended to taper no more than 5-10% every 10-14 day, it is ok to adjust this schedule for your own comfort.  Please feel free to browse the boards and post questions to any of the dedicated threads.


The Ashton Manual, is a great resource for understanding the effect benzo’s  have on our body.  It provides withdrawal information and includes a list of common symptoms 


I'll leave you a few links:


The Ashton Manual

Colorado Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidelines

Planning Your Withdrawal (TaperPlans)


You might like to post to this support group:


The Xanax Club


Please take time to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice.  Go to the top of the page and select PROFILE then choose forum profile then insert drug history into the text box and remember to click change profile


Welcome aboard




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