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Lorazepam and Zopiclone


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The cold was bad for me too, our symptoms are real and vary so much its no wonder doctors and our families think we're making all of this up.  If you'd like to hear from more members you might want to start a thread on the Post-withdrawal  Recovery Support board, not many visit this board since its mostly for new members to introduce themselves.  :)
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ok, i didn't know that. just one question:

Supposedly waves are supposed to get better and better, but they're getting worse for me. how can that be?

and I haven't read anywhere about the severe pain in my legs.

Best regards


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Waves are as unpredictable as windows are, we can't judge our recovery by what others are experiencing, this process is the same but different for all of us.  Please don't think you're symptoms and their patterns are out of the ordinary, they're not.  I know our minds think the worst, we think this isn't withdrawal, there must be something else wrong with me but if you've been checked out by your doctor, you can safely assume this is all withdrawal symptoms.


Pain in the legs is a common symptom, many members become bedbound its so severe, its all part of it, I know you can't see it right now but this nightmare will have an ending.

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dear pamster,

Yes, I know waves and windows cannot be predicted. although i now always have a wave the next day after a window of a few hours.

but I don't know why the waves keep getting worse and the symptoms more and more severe.


last year in the summer it was all much better. I could take a shower every day, for example.

and much more besides. during the windows almost all symptoms were gone. that's not the case now.


and yes, I can't imagine it getting any better.

Best regards


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Hi I have experienced some of the symptoms you mentioned withdrawing from Benzos and Zopiclone . I asked my doctor if they were connected to my stopping (after a three month withdrawal on a reducing dosage of Valium )  but both he and a psychiatrist refused to acknowledge the connection . I also had teeth and gum pain, and like a right band around my head as well as vomiting .. and knee pains .

The withdrawal period for me ;including the tapering lasted from about April 2021 to August 2022. The worst part of the withdrawals were from January 2021. It’s now April 2023 and I seem to be over and out the other side . I really feel for you going through this and especially since you were more or less told to go cold Turkey which is a horrible experience no one should have to endure . I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and really encourage you to keep going and that there is a bright light at the end of the dark tunnel you are in now . However I urge you to discuss your symptoms with your health care professional.

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Thank you for your message

but it doesn't explain why the waves keep getting worse. why is that? I would like to know. 15 months after zero. However, I discontinued doxepin 5 months ago and received neuroleptics for a few days. is it because of that?



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Thank you for your message

but it doesn't explain why the waves keep getting worse. why is that? I would like to know. 15 months after zero. However, I discontinued doxepin 5 months ago and received neuroleptics for a few days. is it because of that?




I'd search the Other Medications board, or ask for input there.

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Clarissa, It is probably mixed withdrawals from all the medications. You are five months off the last one. I bet it exacerbated some of your symptoms. I bet in 1-2 months you will feel better, maybe sooner.
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