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Back with a vengeance!


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Had a good few days (minus the premature muscle fatigue during exercise) and thought I could see a sight at the end of this particularly long and dark tunnel and then from nowhere I had a wave of numbness and horrific pins and needles across my arms legs and face.

Anybody experienced anything similar or knocked senseless by symptoms just as you are feeling good?

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Oh yes, it's one of the cruel tricks benzo withdrawal plays on us. It sounds like you're experiencing the typical wave/window pattern of healing where clusters of symptoms, old and new, intensify and recede unpredictably.  You're likely in a wave now and it can feel very discouraging - it may help to remind yourself that it will eventually ease up and you'll experience a window again.  Have you seen this piece? Four Phases of Withdrawal
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Thank you Brighterday it sounds like you are right. Energy is zapped and my ability to exercise is almost zero lol. I’m sure there is an art to dealing with waves but if there is I haven’t mastered it yet.

It’s so demoralising because when the symptoms return they are still so severe.

Thank you for the piece I will give it a read.

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I don't think anyone has mastered dealing with waves.  The best approach we've found is to try to distract yourself as best you can by shifting your attention to something that absorbs your attention. Sometimes it can simply be a triumph to get through the day by putting one foot in front of the other.  It's also a time for honing your self-care such as by eating as well as possible, drinking lots of water, getting outside for a walk around the block, a warm bath with Epsom salts, watching a show that makes you laugh, etc.  It's also a time to develop a tool kit of soothing techniques like meditation, practicing a craft, yoga, breathing exercises. You'll get through this.  I hope your wave lifts soon.
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I don't think anyone has mastered dealing with waves. 


Can you please explain what you mean when talking about waves.

I would like to know what waves are.

It's for my personal knowledge.




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We often talk about a pattern of "windows" and "waves" in withdrawal.  It's different for each individual but basically it's this:

Windows are periods when you feel like your symptoms have eased up and you feel closer to normal; you are suffering less and you feel more hopeful.

Waves are periods when withdrawal symptoms are intensified and you're deluged with symptoms; most of us have a hard time feeling hopeful during a wave but it can help a little to remind yourself that it's temporary.

Windows and waves can last a few hours or significantly longer.  As I said, it's different for each person - with some of us experiencing fewer or shorter windows than others.  No matter what a person's pattern is like, healing is taking place.

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