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Three Years of Freedom: And Where I Am Now...


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  • 2 weeks later...
My taper was quite rapid and I was making cuts every week or two. If I recall right, I need to go back and check, I was done in under two or three months... way too fast imho.
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Back when we tapered, Petey, slow tapering was not the norm.  Alot of us cut every week or so.  I do not regret my fast taper because I was feeling worse after I took the Xanax.


Patty  xo

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Really great story Petey. Thank you so much for posting it. I am 21 months into a klonopin cold turkey detox as of Jan 23rd 2010. It has been very very very slow and equally as painful and horrid, but I am still here. I don't take any meds, caffiene, or any other stimulants or alcohol. I eat very well...lots of steamed vegetables, fish, organic spinach and greens. I drink a lot of water and dont eat dairy or red meat. I don't know how you did the exercise. I try to ride a bike at night but it takes so much out of me and caused a lot of added symptoms. Sorry for rambling. I am very happy to see you  have recovered. It gives me a lot of hope when I sometime  have very little. Thanks again for posting this. I am sure the longer you go the more you will heal.  That is what I seem to be seing with a lot of veterans I have spoken with.  The healing just keeps coming. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh Petey,


I never saw this thread! And all this time I've been wondering where you were and how you are doing. Apparently well, I'm so glad to hear. I miss you!  :mybuddy:




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You bet the healing keeps on coming! Always hold on to that thought, no matter what. It will get you through the worst of times.




How much sleep do you average per night after 3 years off?  IMO it's the sleep that is key to staying off the K.  Would you mind answering my question? 


BTW you are an amazing testimony.



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  • 2 weeks later...

eljay -  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: I missed you, too.  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: We should talk sometime!


Kian - My sleep is all over the place, but I don't think it's any WD issue, I think I just have trouble getting my mind to shut down and relax. That having been said, I might get 3-4 hours or 7-9, depending on the day. I'd say that I average about 4-5 hours, but again, this is a guess, as I don't track my sleep.


That having been said, yeah, sleep is a tough cookie for me.

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Very encouraging story.

Today I have completed my 37th month of freedom after 20 years of continuous Benzo addiction.

I am so much better and consider myself 70% healed.

I hope I will be out of woods in another 6 months from now.

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Petey, my sleep is still not right.  I never had a problem with sleep problems until this process began.  Our sleep patterns are VERY similar.  Going through a bout of 4-5 hours a night right now.


Neil, I am 39 months out and feel I am about 70 % healed, too.  I have an occasional day where I feel it is about 85%.  Such a long, long process for some of us.  Please come by more often as I need the support from someone who is over the 3 year mark.


Patty  xo

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eljay -  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: I missed you, too.  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: We should talk sometime!


Kian - My sleep is all over the place, but I don't think it's any WD issue, I think I just have trouble getting my mind to shut down and relax. That having been said, I might get 3-4 hours or 7-9, depending on the day. I'd say that I average about 4-5 hours, but again, this is a guess, as I don't track my sleep.


That having been said, yeah, sleep is a tough cookie for me.


Thank you for the reply. 

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