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Is anyone experiencing early onset dementia or Alzheimer’s disease?


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For the last 3 to 4 years I have been experiencing forgetfulnesses accompanied by confusion but it’s gotten so bad that I was referred to a


neurologist in NYC for comprehensive testing.  I think they are also giving me a pet scan.


I’m so scared of getting bad news, I wouldn’t know how to handle it.


Is anyone else out there who might be experiencing the same thing?

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I’m not sure I can erase anything.


I’m having really bad head and ear pressure and foggy mind.  It may not be what I initially thought, dementia or Alzheimer’s.

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Looks like you're still tapering ... I think it's good you went for tests, but until you're fully off the benzos for a while, I think it could still just be withdrawal ... just the stress of tapering is definitely disruptive to my attention and memory!
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Hi openroad,


Exactly, I didn’t realize until the symptoms passed that they were withdrawal symptoms.  I really panicked yesterday. 

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Jacky, keep us posted about your test results.  I was diagnosed with Memory Impairment and Amnesia a few years ago and doc wanted me to get memory testing and a brain scan, but I didn't either one done.  I know that my memory impairment is caused by the benzo's.  But then, I did have a seizure at work in 2012 and that damaged my brain and I haven't been the same since. 
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Jacky, keep us posted about your test results.  I was diagnosed with Memory Impairment and Amnesia a few years ago and doc wanted me to get memory testing and a brain scan, but I didn't either one done.  I know that my memory impairment is caused by the benzo's.  But then, I did have a seizure at work in 2012 and that damaged my brain and I haven't been the same since.



My appointment to the neurologist is on the 17th.  They are doing a comprehensive test on early onset dementia and Alzheimer’s and pet scan, I forgot that long long list but they are checking to see if I have autoimmune problems and familial Alzheimer’s. Also blood work up.

I will absolutely keep you posted on my results and any other tests. I got the neurologist In nyc. 

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Hopefully they'll run an ANA blood screening test for autoimmune disorders.  I had one done and mine was positive and then I was diagnosed with Lupus.
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After getting Covid and mild concussion during taper I have had terrible cognitive problems. I don't know my brain anymore. I live in a fog like my brain is full of cotton, having really poor short term memory. I am forgetting things constantly. I have difficulties to function normally because of forgetting stuff. I feel like my brain and processing speed is slow. I used to be able to do a lot of stuff and now even watching TV feels too much.


Benzo withdrawal has had an impact on my brain even before and I experienced some sort of cognitive problems but they improved so much the smaller the dose is I could function better. I did not think about them as much anymore, I felt more normal. I had some brain fog, feeling more forgetful but I managed. Now Covid and mild concussion sent me to this hell. Also "head symptoms", weird sensations returned that were long gone. I experience weird burning sensations in my brain like "processor overheats" and the burning brain gets worse when I try to think. I experience burning in the right side of my brain. Even watching TV and concentrating feels too overstimulating for my brain and the pain gets worse. Like my brain can't process normally and if I try, headache starts. My head hurts constantly. I don't know how Covid did this to me.. what is the mechanism.. Inflammation..


At the same time I have still a bit of tapering to do and I am thinking like what stopping the med will do in this situation. I hate this.


I am worried about my brain health and I would not be surprised if I get dementia in future. One day I read about first signs of dementia and I was like, oh okay, that sounds too familiar. I feel constantly that I forget stuff. I hope that my Covid induced symptoms improve and I get myself back. And this is only temporary.


I have been thinking about seeing a neurologist and getting an MRI because I have had a headache for a long time and because of these cognitive symptoms. It would be pretty interesting because I haven't had one after my iatrogenic symptoms started during withdrawal. Problem is my sensitive hearing and tinnitus and MRIs are pretty loud.


Both of my parents have had autoimmune disorders and I have a backround of them.

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  • 3 months later...
My mother is 68 and has been experiencing these types of cognetive issues while she is actively taking benzos. I'm worried they will get worse if she decides to taper. Did you have any cognative issues like this before you started to taper, or did they come after?
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My mother is 68 and has been experiencing these types of cognetive issues while she is actively taking benzos. I'm worried they will get worse if she decides to taper. Did you have any cognative issues like this before you started to taper, or did they come after?


Hi supportingmom, I started having major cognitive and memory problems before I started tapering.  Right now my memory is still bad but it was a lot worse and I know it’s going to get better.  I would definitely get your mom off those benzos with a slow taper.



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When I was on 1mg a day of Clonazepam for the last two years, I noticed that my short-term memory capabilities were deteriorating. I would look at my phone, then forget what app I was planning to use, or I would be in my house going to the garage, then I would forget why I was going there.


I mentioned this to my new doctor, and he said that this was a result of being with Clonazepam for the last thirty years; well, this scared the hell out of me, so with his help and my determination, I was able to eliminate Clonazepam for about a year and a half until I had a small recurrence last December( I went back using Clonazepam for thirty days then stopped cold turkey again).


So, did my short-term improve while I was off Clonazepam? The answer is Yes; my short memory started returning little by little.


You hear nothing but negative stuff about using Clonazepam, and I hope I never get to use it again.


Best of luck,



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The benzo process may drop your IQ and memory to frightening levels. Don't extrapolate on it. Nature of the beast. Temporary


How do you know it's temporary?

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The benzo process may drop your IQ and memory to frightening levels. Don't extrapolate on it. Nature of the beast. Temporary


How do you know it's temporary?

Personal experience, but also its well known that healing alleviates these cognitive deficits.

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Hi keagann


My cognitive and memory problems are bad and when I speak or write, it’s very basic like baby language and I can’t find my words still.

I hope this is temporary because I can’t seem to retain anything I read and I have trouble understanding basic questions.


Thanks for your input, it gives me hope. :thumbsup:

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Hi keagann


My cognitive and memory problems are bad and when I speak or write, it’s very basic like baby language and I can’t find my words still.

I hope this is temporary because I can’t seem to retain anything I read and I have trouble understanding basic questions.


Thanks for your input, it gives me hope. :thumbsup:

For a while I had terrible trouble reading. Couldn't track words across the page. Goes away I promise. May take some time though

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In the beginning of my taper, I had a couple of months where I couldn't read. It was awful. I would sometimes get a window for a couple hours in the evening where I could read something, which is how I knew I hadn't completely lost my mind. Anyway, it's all back to normal now. Try to keep tapering and get off the drug and your brain will heal.
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  • 1 month later...

Hopefully they'll run an ANA blood screening test for autoimmune disorders.  I had one done and mine was positive and then I was diagnosed with Lupus.


Did benzos cause your lupus? I've heard it's possible

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Hopefully they'll run an ANA blood screening test for autoimmune disorders.  I had one done and mine was positive and then I was diagnosed with Lupus.


Did benzos cause your lupus? I've heard it's possible


Where did you hear that?

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I'm convinced that the benzo's did cause my Lupus.  I also was diagnosed with Lupus Encephalitis too.  I also have vasculitis too on my hands, legs and arms too, and my right hand on top is always killing me.
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i believe autoimmunity  from the "withdrawal syndrome" plays a role on many people, mimicking autoimunne encephalitis or/and central nervous system systemic lupus, leading to neurologic issues and neurpathic pains/nerve damage due to it
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