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40 percent taper?


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Ive waited for a month to work with this supposed smart experienved nurse practitioner who is going to order me a slow daily liquid micro taper. I told her I didn't want to do more than 5% a month because this is my fourth taper and I am messed up from long coat that I think. She sent me the schedule today and it's a 40% taper in one month. Going back to my old doctor who will let me do 5% titrated through a compounding pharmacy. The young nurse practitioner totally negated everything from this side and others instead to get off the internet. How is it that she doesn't understand that I have personal experience???
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Not many people do understand and that includes health care professionals. Sad but true.

Stick to your slow taper, don’t be persuaded to go faster, it’s not worth it. I hope this NP will at least read some of your literature in order to help future patients.


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