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Burning, Stinging, and Tingling Support Group


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Hi all. I am about a little over 5 1/2 months post klonopin jump. You can see my history in my signature. After having dialogue with some other buddies on a different thread it was suggested to create a support group thread for those buddies who have symptoms of burning, stinging, and tingling. I jumped at 0.0425 mg (at least I think - switched to liquid titration at 0.121 mg..tried my best to be accurate but all was a experiment) because I could not get stable and felt the best course was to start ridding myself of the drug. I was taking Teva branded pills. My taper was tough. I cannot help but wonder if switching to liquid and/or jumping at 0.042 mg contributed to my main symptoms which are burning, stinging, and tingling + ear ringing. But where I am at there is no going back. As I understand the main healer is time.


From what I see and can tell from others these are very common symptoms and for me 5 1/2 months is not long at all. I have seen some improvement and am functional but it's rough, especially the tingling in my head and ear ringing. I am also learning a LOT of foods trigger me so trying to figure that out.


The goal of this thread is for buddies who have, or had common symptoms to share ideas, tips, support, and promote positive, encouraging feedback. I keep telling myself it WILL get better.


If you are interested in keeping track of this group, click on notify at the top of the thread and you will get email updates.



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Thank you for starting this thread! I'm sorry you are also experiencing these nasty symptoms and sorry your taper was rough.  I can relate!  I wish you smoother days in recovery.


On July 1 (so 2 days from now), I'll have 13 months off all meds.  I am currently burning, tingling, having feeling of acid in the veins, etc in a big way.  Sometimes it even wakes me at night.  This was not a symptom I had during tapering but it's been with me off and on for several months now.  It's pretty much been pounding me for the last 12 days.  I'm wondering if anyone else experiences a cluster of other symptoms that seem to go along with the tingling/burning sensations. For instance, my chest seems to get tighter  with heart palpitations and my balance gets wobbly, my tinnitus gets louder and there is a queasiness.  Most of these things tend to go along with the hard core tingling days but not always. Just wondering if anyone else experiences this? 


Thanks again Seeking for starting this conversation.






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My major symptom has always been muscle pain and/or a tingling/burning sensation in those same muscles and other places.


I also have, what feels like a very tight rubber band, around my chest/abdomen & lower back.  Since my leg muscles are also very tense, this also affects my balance. 


Like you, most of these things tend to go along with the hard core tingling & burning days but not always - sometimes it is more pain than tingling/burning.  The pain and tightness is usually on my right and side but this past few weeks it is now on both sides.


At 21 months off benzos I am having a brutal wave for this past few weeks where the muscle pain is sometimes off the charts.  There have been several days where I can barely walk.  Very depressing since I was seeing some real improvements a few months ago but now I am back to where I was a year or more ago.


Hope we all find relief from this hell soon.

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My major symptom has always been muscle pain and/or a tingling/burning sensation in those same muscles and other places.


I also have, what feels like a very tight rubber band, around my chest/abdomen & lower back.  Since my leg muscles are also very tense, this also affects my balance. 


Like you, most of these things tend to go along with the hard core tingling & burning days but not always - sometimes it is more pain than tingling/burning.  The pain and tightness is usually on my right and side but this past few weeks it is now on both sides.


At 21 months off benzos I am having a brutal wave for this past few weeks where the muscle pain is sometimes off the charts.  There have been several days where I can barely walk.  Very depressing since I was seeing some real improvements a few months ago but now I am back to where I was a year or more ago.


Hope we all find relief from this hell soon.


Flyfisher88, I'm so sorry you are still suffering from all of this at 21 months off.  It's especially brutal when you've had a few improvements.  What you describe is very similar to me.  Of course, it's never exactly the same as another day but I do get the deep aching and muscle tension. I did some stretching today that seemed to bring the tingling down a notch or two. It's very hard to walk with the tense muscles and weird boaty sensations.  I understand the things you are saying.  I really hope you get out of this stage again very soon. Thanks for chiming in. 

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I forgot to mention that what usually helps me is gentle swimming.  Sometimes just even floating in a pool can give me immense relief. This relief used to last for several hours afterwards but now it just seems to last as long as I am in the pool. :-[
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  • 1 month later...

I still have the burn/tinglings at 22 months out.


When I get extremely stressed my head feels like I have an electric eel on it. Arms go numb sometimes.


When I'm not stressed its barely noticeable. I had a recent setback with herbal supplements and its acting up again.


Definitely one of the most annoying symptoms by far.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I also got this burning acid pain all over my body and in my brain. It's my worst symptom together with deep muscle and joint pain and stiffness.

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I also got this burning acid pain all over my body and in my brain. It's my worst symptom together with deep muscle and joint pain and stiffness.


I've discovered tongkat Ali supplement helps quite a bit to manage the symptoms.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Thanks for creating this group. I also have that burning acid pain all over my body. It lights up with any emotion of tension or worry

sometimes I feel it accompanied by punctures like.

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  • 4 weeks later...




Thanks for creating this group. I also have that burning acid pain all over my body. It lights up with any emotion of tension or worry

sometimes I feel it accompanied by punctures like.


Hi Aira,

I’m so sorry you’re enduring this too. I understand completely. I’ve had the burning and acid in my veins for 9 months now. It’s absolutely cruel.  I find that stress and anxiety along with other physical issues realky ramp things up. Sometimes it even causing stinging and sharp thorn pokes into my body.

Do you have burning as well? Mine is mostly on my head, shoulders and lower legs.


I think the burning and acid feeling is the cruelest symptom of all.

I’m so sorry for all who suffer with this.

I hope you are feeling better.

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  • 1 month later...

I still have the burn/tinglings at 22 months out.


When I get extremely stressed my head feels like I have an electric eel on it. Arms go numb sometimes.


When I'm not stressed its barely noticeable. I had a recent setback with herbal supplements and its acting up again.


Definitely one of the most annoying symptoms by far.


I am 13 months out and same for me! I went from the beginning of July until the beginning of November not even thinking about benzo w/d! Now here I am religiously reading and panicking about every ache pain burn tingle and hot flash! (I’m 32 so the hot flashes are weird but I’m on progesterone so it’s expected)

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I’m also in this bucket. I get days where I can feel only a bit of electricity but I can’t sit still for a movie or anything. And then I have days where the burning and itching come back full force. Electricity in my veins, poor sleep. Lasts for weeks. I’m 2 years post jump with an attempt at reinstatement about a 450 days ago. I had 3 months where I was getting ready to write my healed post but then consistent stress put me back into distress for the past 11 months.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I’m also in this bucket. I get days where I can feel only a bit of electricity but I can’t sit still for a movie or anything. And then I have days where the burning and itching come back full force. Electricity in my veins, poor sleep. Lasts for weeks. I’m 2 years post jump with an attempt at reinstatement about a 450 days ago. I had 3 months where I was getting ready to write my healed post but then consistent stress put me back into distress for the past 11 months.


Hi Wannabe,

You and I have spoken a few times and I hope things are better for you now.

I’m still struggling greatly with the burning brain and body. I’ve not gotten many windows, and just seem to be getting worse. Job stress certainly adds to it. I was recently severanced with my company so they let about 70 of us go. Fortunately I get a year’s severance pay and insurance so maybe the symptoms will get better once I can peel off the stress effects. Perhaps the stress has held me back.


The burning is absolutely my worst symptom other than the anxiety that comes from the pain.

It feels like a blow torch against my head and acid in my veins. Nobody coukd begin to understand unless they have endured the same. I wish I could just get out of this body and run!

I pray we will fully heal soon.

I’m sending you big hugs!


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I still have the burn/tinglings at 22 months out.


When I get extremely stressed my head feels like I have an electric eel on it. Arms go numb sometimes.


When I'm not stressed its barely noticeable. I had a recent setback with herbal supplements and its acting up again.


Definitely one of the most annoying symptoms by far.


I am 13 months out and same for me! I went from the beginning of July until the beginning of November not even thinking about benzo w/d! Now here I am religiously reading and panicking about every ache pain burn tingle and hot flash! (I’m 32 so the hot flashes are weird but I’m on progesterone so it’s expected)


Hey RoxyKat,


I'm wondering if some of these neurological issues (tingling/stabbing/etc) are indeed hormone related. I don't know about the rest of you, but when these symptoms kick up I later get terrible benzo fatigue. It starts with tinnitus, feeling "over stimulated", blood pressure rises, blurry vision, dry throat, head pressure, and of course the electric tingling and/or numbness. After a day or so of this the crash & burn and major fatigue happens. This entire saga usually happens after a period of either stress, physical exercise, or just physically "overdoing it".


So I'm now 44/M, and I started taking herbal supplements to boost testosterone levels as well as taking DIM (regulates estrogen), and the tingling did subside quite a bit for a while. I stumbled onto this quite by chance as I was taking supplements for other purposes.


So, after these self-experiments, I went to my integrated medicine doctor and asked her to test my hormone levels. She's been working with me since the WD started and knows the plethora of benzo symptoms.


Today I got the test results back and my SHBG is extremely high. This is the binding globulin protein that hormones use to ride around the body. Essentially, when SHBG is high it means that all of your hormones are "bound" up in the protein and not able to be used by the body. After cursory research, "stress" is listed as a factor, of course right? This may explain why my Tongkat Ali supplement seemed to work well for me — It helps to "unbind" testosterone from SHBG.


I'm going to have a chat with the doctor in a few days and see what she says. Not sure if there is much else that can be done without drugs that I may not want to take anyway, but at least now I have some actual blood-work to associate with these symptoms.


So yes, for me symptoms still come back occasionally this far out of WD, but they don't seem to last as long overall. They do kick up when I have insomnia. If I can get to sleep they subside quite a bit. Thank goodness for indica delta-8, lol.


I do think that each month I am improving. I can do things now that I couldn't even dream of 6 months ago. Just keep on pressing on. Time changes everything and it gets better slowly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hear that so many people are still struggling after being off benzos for so long.


I am now at nearly 27 months off valium and still am having a lot of burning/stinging/acid muscle stiffness and joint pain.  Back in late Sep and for most of Oct I was feeling better and had some great windows - I really did think that I was over the worst of it and stopped logging into benzo buddies.  I thought for sure that the next time I logged in was when I would be writing about and sharing my "success" story.


Then in mid to late Nov I went back into another wave and it has been pretty consistently bad for at least the past 4-5 weeks.  There have been a few times when I felt better but mostly if feels like I am back to the early days of withdrawal. 


Hoping that this is the "final" wave that some people talk about on the forums.


Wishing us all some relief.


P.S. There is a new documentary on Netflix called "Take Your Pills: Xanax".  In this documentary there are interviews with patients who talk about the horrendous side effects of Xanax and their withdrawal symptoms. 




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  • 4 months later...

Hello jordanjack,


Yes, I feel internal burning in various parts of my body, under the chest, arms, thighs, stomach. With the slightest stress it intensifies to hellish pain. Sometimes it feels like stinging or stabbing pains. For me it is also the most cruel symptom.


I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier.


Wishing you are better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello jordanjack,


Yes, I feel internal burning in various parts of my body, under the chest, arms, thighs, stomach. With the slightest stress it intensifies to hellish pain. Sometimes it feels like stinging or stabbing pains. For me it is also the most cruel symptom.


I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier.


Wishing you are better.


Hi Aira,

Yes, the most cruel symptom! I’m 17 months off and still burning. It’s so very difficult.

The burning brain is the worst and now I’m getting deep muscle and burning electrical in my legs.

It feels like acid boiling.  I sure hope we turn a corner soon. I’m so sorry.

Hope you feel better soon!

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