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Please assist me with how to use my digital scale to dry cut


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I'm dry cutting alprazolam. I'm currently at 1.75mg of alprazolam and I have .5mg pills. I want to taper down to 1.625 and quartering a .5mg bill is difficult. I'm not sure what the weight conversion is on a 1.25mg. I hope this makes sense. I have my scale set to grams. Is there a different weight mode I should be using on the scale?
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You'd want to start by getting an accurate weight for the .5mg pill.

To do that, you could simply weigh one pill. Because the pills don't all weigh the same, however, many folks prefer to weigh 10 pills, divide by 10, and then use that as the average weight for the pill.


Once you know appx. how many grams your .5mg pill weighs, you can divide that number by 4 and that would be the equivalent of .125mg of drug.


Then you would take .5 +.5 +.5 (that's 1.5 in full pills) PLUS a smaller piece of a pill that you will weigh until it is equal to the number you just got above.


Pill cutters and nail files can be very helpful in these small amounts.


If this is too confusing, just reply with the weight of your .5mg pill in grams, and I'm sure we can help you figure out the exact numbers.



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Thank you for the explanation and assistance. I was becoming confused because the .5 pill kept giving off different weights. It makes sense to weigh 10 and then divide.
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