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14 days free of Valium


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I’m 14 days free of Valium today but honestly wondering when i might feel a bit better. My last dose was May,26. I was only klonopin since January of 2006. I started tapering in July of 2020. My father passed away during my taper. I was on 3mg of klonopin and switched to Valium to taper off all the way. Im on clonodine/gabapentin/depakote to help but mostly I take Holistic Dr prescribed supplements. I don’t want anything to do with more meds. I’m wondering when I might start feeling some relief from some physical withdrawals. Tomorrow is day 15. I read it takes 20 days for Valium to leave your system but there is so much info on the internet I don’t know what to believe. I’m worried I’ll be whacked with more withdrawals after day 20. Any help is appreciated.


Thank you

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Hi Succeed

First congrats on being benzo free it is a major accomplishment!

Also my sincere condolences on your father passing, I lost my dad 8 years ago it’s was very difficult.

It appears from your history you did a fairly rapid taper. What wd symptoms are you currently experiencing and how severe? I’m asking because a rapid taper usually ( not always ) can produce more intense symptoms after stopping the drug.

From what I’ve seen here on the forum the first 2-4 weeks are the most difficult but everyone is different so you may be one of the exceptions that start to fell better early. Typically members get windows and waves with symptoms fading with time. Try to stay positive and know you will heal

Here’s some info that may help

Here’s a link to a thread that talks about the 4 phases of withdrawal and what to expect


Here’s a link to a thread that talks about half life with Valium as an example



Succeed, I pray that you heal quickly and your symptoms fade soonest




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I guess it might be considered a rapid taper, but it’s been 20 months. I was on it for 15 years and that’s how my Dr took me off. I did go to one of those rehab places even though I’m dependent not addicted. They took me off in 6 days and I had to reinstate. I don’t want to sound bad with my list of what’s been going on because it’s been similar for 20 months but amped up.

Nasueous, severe headaches, severe insomnia, gastrointestinal stuff, severe leg pain, dizzy, feeling like my head is barely attached to my head, like cloudy, intrusive thoughts particularly about the things that have caused my ptsd, missing my Dad. I’m very tired, dry heaving, food isn’t too interesting, muscle aches and my central nervous system is out of wack. I don’t want to keep complaining but also like no one understands and I don’t talk about it much. I know I’m not out of the woods for probably a while but hoping for some idea of a light at the end of any tunnel. I have 3 kids and I do all I can for them but I don’t get to housework often and I feel lazy but I’m not lazy. I struggle with coping with the Benzo withdrawal guilt. I was on this stupid Med for 15 years + almost 2 years of a taper that’s my kids whole lives and most of my marriage. I feel so guilty. All I did was take a medicine as prescribed. When I became pregnant in 2006, 2009 with my second and 3rd children I stopped both times absolutely nooooo problem. I didn’t even know going off benzos was hard to do! I’ll shut up I feel like I’m complaining.

Thank you.

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I guess it might be considered a rapid taper, but it’s been 20 months. I was on it for 15 years and that’s how my Dr took me off. I did go to one of those rehab places even though I’m dependent not addicted. They took me off in 6 days and I had to reinstate. I don’t want to sound bad with my list of what’s been going on because it’s been similar for 20 months but amped up.

Nasueous, severe headaches, severe insomnia, gastrointestinal stuff, severe leg pain, dizzy, feeling like my head is barely attached to my head, like cloudy, intrusive thoughts particularly about the things that have caused my ptsd, missing my Dad. I’m very tired, dry heaving, food isn’t too interesting, muscle aches and my central nervous system is out of wack. I don’t want to keep complaining but also like no one understands and I don’t talk about it much. I know I’m not out of the woods for probably a while but hoping for some idea of a light at the end of any tunnel. I have 3 kids and I do all I can for them but I don’t get to housework often and I feel lazy but I’m not lazy. I struggle with coping with the Benzo withdrawal guilt. I was on this stupid Med for 15 years + almost 2 years of a taper that’s my kids whole lives and most of my marriage. I feel so guilty. All I did was take a medicine as prescribed. When I became pregnant in 2006, 2009 with my second and 3rd children I stopped both times absolutely nooooo problem. I didn’t even know going off benzos was hard to do! I’ll shut up I feel like I’m complaining.

Thank you.

Succeed don’t feel bad about sharing your symptoms it’s not complaining, we understand here on this forum because we are all suffering just like you and getting and giving support is what it’s all about. I am struggling also and need support which many members have helped me along. So you are not alone. You are off the drug that’s big, you are now in the healing phase and things will get better. I have a family too so I understand the impact and wondering when it will end. Many members have gone off in the past with no problem but sometimes things change why I don’t know.

20 months is a long taper so it wasn’t that rapid I may have misunderstood your summary

So with a slow responsible taper you have a really good chance of healing sooner. I know it’s hard but try to be positive in that and know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

The first 2 weeks off are typically the hardest from what I’ve read, then usually it’s a mix of good and bad days. But hey you did a great taper so you just may be ok. Try not to worry and add more pain to yourself. I know it’s easier said but try.

Anyway pls feel free to ask any questions, I or other members will help answer or if you need to vent or need support you can pm me anytime.



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Hey Suceed.  A huge congratulations for completing your taper!!

You are in the most challenging time...  your body is working very hard to find a balance.  Remember that it gets better...  it does...  anything you can do to be helping your body heal moment to moment is needed.  I know, easier said than done with a family to look after.  You can't get one moment of your past back.... it's over...  the guilt and sadness, and even anger, you feel about losing all that time is valid, but don't linger there...  now is the only time you can influence.  How can you be loving and supportive to yourself in the now?

Many hugs...


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Thank you so much for both of your replies. I guess since now I’m 17 days out I’m still in that 2 week period? I’d give anything to feel better but I’ll just keep working at it? I saw one of the links you sent but I didn’t entirely understand it. As I type this I feel really super awful. Just a little break would be nice. My emotions are pretty raw to. How long will that last? I just want to be sort of ok.
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I took my last dose of Valium on 5/27, so the day after you finished your taper. I also lost my mom during my taper. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to DM me.


Congratulations on finishing your taper!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I’m having trouble figuring out how to respond to everyone. I can’t seem to figure out how long the phases last. I’m 29 days off of Valium and still feeling pretty awful. Can anyone help without a big scientific explanation? I get confused by those
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I’m having trouble figuring out how to respond to everyone. I can’t seem to figure out how long the phases last. I’m 29 days off of Valium and still feeling pretty awful. Can anyone help without a big scientific explanation? I get confused by those

Hey Succeed, what wd symptoms are you getting and have you noticed any change in any of them over the 29 days?


It wud help to keep a daily journal and assign some measure on the level of wd such as a one to five scale or red yellow green. Some simple way to capture how you feel and this way you can look and see improvements. I keep mine in my phone and very simple write how I feel every day like morning anxiety bad or so so or mild.


Unfortunately there really is no set time on the phases since every person is different. I’m sorry I understand wanting those answers I do too. But know you will start feeling better and sometimes it’s slight improvements and you won’t see it if you don’t capture it. I know we all want dramatic improvement now and sometimes it happens and it may be just one symptom.


I’m sorry that it’s overwhelming but know your not alone. We are all in the same boat. It’s sucks big time but to get thru it you have to try to focus on what’s improving. It’s hard I’m there too.


You can pm anytime if you need support









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Succeed I just wanted to stop by to tell you I extend my condolences on the loss of your dad. I’m sure this is a very hard time for you especially just finished a taper. My heart goes out to you and your family. I didn’t have the medications you mentioned but Ambien is a beast cousin of benzos with the same effects / WD after effects. But I will say from what I’ve read that some people can have a delayed acute after coming off. I did. Mine started right at the 2 weeks off mark. But I prepared myself by taking BB advice of having a coping plan in place. Things I can turn to when it’s bad. Soothing things. Calm dark place to retreat to. Earplugs, meditation, weighted blanket, something to keep my hands busy, etc. Unfortunately nobody can say when acute is over or how bad it can get. We all are individuals with individual bodies. But, seem like a strong person that can do this !  :thumbsup: 

I wish you well and you’re in my thoughts.

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