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Taper Advice


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Good Afternoon,


Hello All. Need some advice on a taper issue.  I am currently doing a liquid taper of Klonopin. I informed my doctor that I wanted to taper 5% every 2-4 weeks.  However, I just realized today instead of reducing my dosage by 5% she reduced it by 95% (miscalculation on my part), but surprised she did not catch it.  I have been feeling bad for 2 weeks since then. I emailed her office this morning but have not received an answer.  Question - Do I updose back to the the .25mg I was on 2 weeks ago and go slowly from there? or continue to roll with the dosage I am on now which is 0.0125mg? I am functional and working and can tolerate the feeling but want my brain to be able to heal properly so as not to have protracted withdrawal in the long run.



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Your cold turkey withdrawal (which is basically what you've been doing) sounds like its not going too badly.  I'll give you my opinion but please understand this is based on anecdotal evidence as well as personal experience.  I believe your taper rate can have an impact on the severity of your symptoms as you taper but I don't believe it has any bearing on your recovery.  I have no idea why some people become protracted but feel it has more to do with time on the drug and genetics more than taper rate. That being said, we consider someone to be protracted when they're still suffering about 2 years after discontinuation because recovery seems to happen for most between the 1 and 2 year mark. 


If it were me, I'd hold your current dose rather than updosing unless your symptoms become unmanageable which could happen since the half life of Klonopin is considerable.  The fact that you're working and tolerating your current dose is a good sign.


However, if you want to be proactive for fear more intense symptoms may show up, you could bump up your dose but you probably don't need to go back to .25, maybe you could find some middle ground.


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