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Hi Janice and Suzy,

Hey Suzy don't let that therapist get you down. You don't have to agree with her. You could say to her that maybe she's right but you didn't have fibromyalgia before benzo wd and that since you started withdrawing you're very symtomatic. So you can meet her in the middle with a " maybe you're right" but you find it all suspect. Bring a printed out list of benzo withdrawal sxs. I printed a bunch of posts on air hunger when I couldn't breathe and told my therapist I'd be happy to bring them in so she can see them. Fortunately she believes me but she's seen me when I was very sick from wd and she's seen me when I level off on a dose, so she can't deny her own eyes. I don't know why therapists and Drs don't want to listen or believe us, it is infuriating. The option Janice gave you is good too.. Just go in and play the game. Yes her to death and agree with her, whatever she says so to speak and just get your meds from the psych. Also you could tell her the next time you go in that you want to talk about your emotions. Tell her you want to work on coping skills blah blah blah, yada, yada, yada.. You get the picture. Hang in there girl and don't let this ruin your night just go to plan B  ;)

TT ♥️

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Thanks you guys!

I will bring some things in to show her.  I will also just let her say what she wants and just say maybe or something. Then talk about emotions. I will just have to not let it get to me so much. Thank you guys for helping me. I get so upset with drs.  :-[

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Ok, I am going to convince you all I am down to one upregulated  gaba.  Tim and I had breakfast while we were out running around this morning and I had glutton free pancakes.  Never had gluten free before, just wanted to try, unless a Dr officially tells me I have a bad reaction to it, it will be my last  :laugh:;D.  But that's not my story, I asked for decaf coffee and she brought this like 2 cup pot, never seen one that small before, and it was sitting next to the sugar free syrup, so I am running my mouth, yes as usual Joe  :D, and picked up the coffee accidentally, and poured alittle on the pancakes.  Tim and I got the giggles and I said the coffee actually gave those gluten free pancakes some taste and we busted out laughing again.  :D.    1 upregulated gaba receptor.......... :idiot:
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Ok, I am going to convince you all I am down to one upregulated  gaba.  Tim and I had breakfast while we were out running around this morning and I had glutton free pancakes.  Never had gluten free before, just wanted to try, unless a Dr officially tells me I have a bad reaction to it, it will be my last  :laugh:;D.  But that's not my story, I asked for decaf coffee and she brought this like 2 cup pot, never seen one that small before, and it was sitting next to the sugar free syrup, so I am running my mouth, yes as usual Joe  :D, and picked up the coffee accidentally, and poured alittle on the pancakes.  Tim and I got the giggles and I said the coffee actually gave those gluten free pancakes some taste and we busted out laughing again.  :D.    1 upregulated gaba receptor.......... :idiot:

Omg hilarious story many M's  :laugh: :laugh:..I myself have never had anything gluten free and now I know I never will  :laugh:


Glad you were out today. Sounds like you might have TWO upregulated gc's  :laugh: go you! :thumbsup:;)


TT and my trailing ttttttttttttt's ♥️

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Thanks you guys!

I will bring some things in to show her.  I will also just let her say what she wants and just say maybe or something. Then talk about emotions. I will just have to not let it get to me so much. Thank you guys for helping me. I get so upset with drs.  :-[


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Ok, I am going to convince you all I am down to one upregulated  gaba.  Tim and I had breakfast while we were out running around this morning and I had glutton free pancakes.  Never had gluten free before, just wanted to try, unless a Dr officially tells me I have a bad reaction to it, it will be my last  :laugh:;D.  But that's not my story, I asked for decaf coffee and she brought this like 2 cup pot, never seen one that small before, and it was sitting next to the sugar free syrup, so I am running my mouth, yes as usual Joe  :D, and picked up the coffee accidentally, and poured alittle on the pancakes.  Tim and I got the giggles and I said the coffee actually gave those gluten free pancakes some taste and we busted out laughing again.  :D.    1 upregulated gaba receptor.......... :idiot:

Omg hilarious story many M's  :laugh: :laugh:..I myself have never had anything gluten free and now I know I never will  :laugh:


Glad you were out today. Sounds like you might have TWO upregulated gc's  :laugh: go you! :thumbsup:;)


TT and my trailing ttttttttttttt's ♥️


Love ya TTTTTTTTTTT...... :smitten: :smitten:

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Ok, I am going to convince you all I am down to one upregulated  gaba.  Tim and I had breakfast while we were out running around this morning and I had glutton free pancakes.  Never had gluten free before, just wanted to try, unless a Dr officially tells me I have a bad reaction to it, it will be my last  :laugh:;D.  But that's not my story, I asked for decaf coffee and she brought this like 2 cup pot, never seen one that small before, and it was sitting next to the sugar free syrup, so I am running my mouth, yes as usual Joe  :D, and picked up the coffee accidentally, and poured alittle on the pancakes.  Tim and I got the giggles and I said the coffee actually gave those gluten free pancakes some taste and we busted out laughing again.  :D.    1 upregulated gaba receptor.......... :idiot:

Omg hilarious story many M's  :laugh: :laugh:..I myself have never had anything gluten free and now I know I never will  :laugh:


Glad you were out today. Sounds like you might have TWO upregulated gc's  :laugh: go you! :thumbsup:;)


TT and my trailing ttttttttttttt's ♥️


Love ya TTTTTTTTTTT...... :smitten: :smitten:

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Ok, I am going to convince you all I am down to one upregulated  gaba.  Tim and I had breakfast while we were out running around this morning and I had glutton free pancakes.  Never had gluten free before, just wanted to try, unless a Dr officially tells me I have a bad reaction to it, it will be my last  :laugh:;D.  But that's not my story, I asked for decaf coffee and she brought this like 2 cup pot, never seen one that small before, and it was sitting next to the sugar free syrup, so I am running my mouth, yes as usual Joe  :D, and picked up the coffee accidentally, and poured alittle on the pancakes.  Tim and I got the giggles and I said the coffee actually gave those gluten free pancakes some taste and we busted out laughing again.  :D.    1 upregulated gaba receptor.......... :idiot:

Omg hilarious story many M's  :laugh: :laugh:..I myself have never had anything gluten free and now I know I never will  :laugh:


Glad you were out today. Sounds like you might have TWO upregulated gc's  :laugh: go you! :thumbsup:;)


TT and my trailing ttttttttttttt's ♥️


Love ya TTTTTTTTTTT...... :smitten: :smitten:

Ok I need to borrow a receptor bc I posted a hug for you and I posted it at the top of your post :crazy::laugh: :laugh:

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Ok, I am going to convince you all I am down to one upregulated  gaba.  Tim and I had breakfast while we were out running around this morning and I had glutton free pancakes.  Never had gluten free before, just wanted to try, unless a Dr officially tells me I have a bad reaction to it, it will be my last  :laugh:;D.  But that's not my story, I asked for decaf coffee and she brought this like 2 cup pot, never seen one that small before, and it was sitting next to the sugar free syrup, so I am running my mouth, yes as usual Joe  :D, and picked up the coffee accidentally, and poured alittle on the pancakes.  Tim and I got the giggles and I said the coffee actually gave those gluten free pancakes some taste and we busted out laughing again.  :D.    1 upregulated gaba receptor.......... :idiot:

Omg hilarious story many M's  :laugh: :laugh:..I myself have never had anything gluten free and now I know I never will  :laugh:


Glad you were out today. Sounds like you might have TWO upregulated gc's  :laugh: go you! :thumbsup:;)


TT and my trailing ttttttttttttt's ♥️


Love ya TTTTTTTTTTT...... :smitten: :smitten:

Ok I need to borrow a receptor bc I posted a hug for you and I posted it at the top of your post :crazy::laugh: :laugh:


I don't have any extra, lol, ask Stut  :laugh:

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Hi Suzy, I went to therapy for a long time at the beginning of this and I was paying out of pocket.. I was so desperate for some help and also my relationship was falling apart so we saw her as a couple as well. Even though I loved her it took me awhile to realize that she would never be able to let me blame my problems on benzo w/d, because her job is to help me figure out my problems and the evil benzo does whatever it wants to your body and you have no control over it, so a therapist accepting that this just is what it is will be failing in her own eyes, because there really is no way to help other than time. So I wasted thousands of dollars unfortunately, and I broke up with my boyfriend anyway because all he could do was blame blame blame me for all of our problems.


I agree with the others, just get through the therapy if it is required for your prescription, she will never be able to accept that it is all the benzo, because there is nothing you can do about that and her job is to empower you to solve your problems from within. The regular model just doesn't work with benzos! She may be able to help you deal with your emotions around the hardship, I did get some benefits in that department.


I hope that made sense, I'm pretty tired. Love to all!


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Ok girls I'll summarize my experience with therapy. I've had four therapists in my life. I will not speak about the first three ones because I want to keep this short. The third one I had, said when I was on benzo that she was an expert getting people of benzos. In my crash in June, when all I wanted to do was die, I texted her saying "look I've had this problem I wonder if you can help me". She answered that this was my underlying anxiety coming up and that I needed therapy to deal with the unresolved issues. I didn't answer and never will. The conceited ignorant. So at that time I had just started with a new therapist doing emdr, and I told her (the new one) look I'm sorry I've had this problem with Valium I can't do therapy now. I have slept nothing for days. And she said she was so sorry and that she really felt for me, that she understood I had to focus on my benzo problems, that she had patients that had tried to quit the benzos to no avail. That they go back on the benzo and they still don't sleep... She is HUMBLE, and that's what makes her capable of learning new things through her patients experience. This woman is a bit older than me, 56, we've had disagreements as I'm not an easy patient, but when she showed this level of empathy I realized she was special. Recently I've taken my daughter to therapy to get a psychological report because she no longer wants to see her father, so I took her to this last therapist. She's shown such sensitivity and empathy with my daughter that I will take my girl to her whenever I think she needs therapy, if I can afford it. I don't know if I'll ever go to therapy again. The bwd had turned everything upside down, and as horrid as it is, it is also a kind of therapy.
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Thanks Olivek,

I am sorry about your bf. It is truly horrible when everywere yoy turn except for bb noone understands. My bf gets angry as well. If they could walk in our shoes for one day they would be terrified. They dont realize how strong we are doing this day after day. I feel like i an wasting time and money too with my therapist. That makes sense what you say. I wish i could jusr pins a prescriber and not do therapy. I am afraid to change places because it takes take to find one and what if they dont prescribe benzos. She is a nice lady. I jyst dont want to have to go thete and have to explain bwd and have her stare at me. I guess i will try to get through it and try not to get so upset. Ly Suzy


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Hi Janice,

I hate when they say that. It your underlying anxiety! Please this us no normal anxiety. They cant research this stuff. These drugs have been around for a long time and all ths med professionals are clueless. It is cruel. I amglad you never called her!! I am glad you found a good one. I think it is good you found one that is helpful and kind to your daughter. As for us..i think we are working through alot of this together. I would like to learn cbt but mube just sits there. Omg. I will just learn it myself.  She gave me a book. I figured we could talk about it but somehow the subject changed. Ly Suzy

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Hi all, is it normal to get worse while holding? I' m feeling really awful: thing are going from bad to much worse!, Exhaustion,  anxiety through the roof,  muscles stiff and aching like mad,  almost to weak to walk, trembling, weightloss again, cold. Does It get better or is this me dying? Help!
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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Suzy l know you are looking for validation however you aren't going to get it so resign yourself to that.Now if she can work on coping techniques for anxiety that will help you in the future.l don't talk about withdrawal to be perfectly honest with you because to any looking in it appears just the same as anxiety.l have had an anxiety disorder for a long time and l don't talk about that either.l believe that's why doctors etc do listen to me l have never presented as being anxious.l hope that makes sense to you.Just remember you know that this is caused by the benzo and that has to be enough for now.Stay strong sweetheart.love you.

Morning Janice l have been kindled for a very long time.ln my twenties l was on temazapam on and off for years.l was cold turkeyed several times.l have to admit l noticed over the years l am very sensitive to all drugs l really can't tolerate any drug so l think it has had a profound effect on me.That said l don't think it has stopped me healing.l hope you start to level of my love.Don't give up hope.love you.

Morning Trish being a cat person l can't wait to see Bella 😇.Are you sure the cat's were playing with the mice 😕.I actually have saved lots of mice from our cat's l hate the way they toy with their prey.No we don't do Thanksgiving honey we aren't thankful for anything in this neck of the woods 😜.l will be over with you anyway so l will be eating my turkey with my American family.Love you my lST.

Morning lady Mary 😂😂 you took having coffee with your pancakes a little too literally l have to say 😂😂.Dinny worry hen that other gaba receptor will kick in when you least expect it 😝.Glad to hear you were out and about.Keep on keeping on.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Olive how are you doing honey feeling better l hope? Love to you.

Love to everyone here.I hope everyone drops in and let's us know how they are doing.

Love and hugs Stut X

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Hi all, is it normal to get worse while holding? I' m feeling really awful: thing are going from bad to much worse!, Exhaustion,  anxiety through the roof,  muscles stiff and aching like mad,  almost to weak to walk, trembling.  Does It get better or is this me dying? Help!

Morning Troch sadly yes it does get worse for a period of time.Try not to panic your not dying you are in withdrawal and your brain is trying to heal itself.As you know this takes time and a lot of patience.Try to distract your mind do anything to get your mind off how you feel.l play a lot of games on my phone, crossword puzzles, Walking in nature etc.We all have gone through this and things do ease of however it takes as long as it takes.X

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Hi Janice,

I hate when they say that. It your underlying anxiety! Please this us no normal anxiety. They cant research this stuff. These drugs have been around for a long time and all ths med professionals are clueless. It is cruel. I amglad you never called her!! I am glad you found a good one. I think it is good you found one that is helpful and kind to your daughter. As for us..i think we are working through alot of this together. I would like to learn cbt but mube just sits there. Omg. I will just learn it myself.  She gave me a book. I figured we could talk about it but somehow the subject changed. Ly Suzy


Hi Suzy, I see what you mean how this really sucks having no professional support through this. I found CBT doesn't work much with my specific bwd madness, however I did find some videos of RADICAL ACCEPTANCE very helpful. Radical acceptance is the base of DBT (dialectic behavioural therapy). It is used for borderline people. I have many borderline traits although I've managed to become less borderline with a lot of therapy and insight, and especially with very tough life lessons, but I still have to work on it. Radical acceptance is really useful. Baylissa also talks about acceptance a lot. I mean, what can we do anyway? It's not like we have a choice.

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Hi all, is it normal to get worse while holding? I' m feeling really awful: thing are going from bad to much worse!, Exhaustion,  anxiety through the roof,  muscles stiff and aching like mad,  almost to weak to walk, trembling.  Does It get better or is this me dying? Help!

Morning Troch sadly yes it does get worse for a period of time.Try not to panic your not dying you are in withdrawal and your brain is trying to heal itself.As you know this takes time and a lot of patience.Try to distract your mind do anything to get your mind off how you feel.l play a lot of games on my phone, crossword puzzles, Walking in nature etc.We all have gone through this and things do ease of however it takes as long as it takes.X


Troschetter, Stut is right as usual. Please tell yourself that you'll probably feel this bad for a few months. It does take a long time for a hold to make you feel better once your CNS has been severely destabilized. You're not getting worse due to the hold; you're having waves due to the last cuts that have landed you in this unstable place. Now you need TIME to stabilize. Think months, not weeks. Hang in there. It does get better eventually.

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Ahaaa mm,

Stut can you send me a gaba rec? Mary only has one and i dont have any.. ;D


You have one Pebbles, I am sure of it  :laugh: :laugh:.....love ya ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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Thanks Stut,

I am never going to get validation. I have to accept that. I will just tell her I need help.with anxiety.  Thats my underlying condition it is crazy we have to do this.Hope you are well. Sis and.doggies too. My cat is killing me. The devil up in the corner. She likes to play hide and seek. So i try and she pounces out and mauls me. I am too nice. I know she is just playing but it hurts..lol. Iy Suzy


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Hi Janice,

I did hear of dbt. I would sign up for classes , maybe i can learn it online. Me and the med prof clash.  Do you have a link or anything you use? I want to try it. Do you ever feel like you made a cut when you didnt? I feel like that today. I hope i am.not getting sick. I have been sweating like crazy

Today it feels sweaty and chills. Ugh. Going.to search for thermometer. I am a mess. I hope youremotions are getting a little more balanced. It is tough to deal with. It is like you are going crazy. Greiving things from years ago. Amxios over everything. We are healing though! Slowly but surely. Ly Suzy


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Suzy this is the first video I found last summer when I was at my worst. I loved her



Then I looked for more on YouTube, typing "radical acceptance dbt skills".


Yes Suzy I feel like I made a cut most days. That's what it is.

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